Autumn Term 2
How is the UK changing?
Our enquiry this term is 'How is the UK changing?' Geography shall be our subject focus.
In this enquiry, the children will find out about the regions of the UK, discovering how some of these areas have changed over time.
Perfecting our balances in PE
We have been busy working hard on our balances in PE. We have been learning how to create counter balances and counter tension balances. Can you spot the difference between them?

A great success at the Christmas Fair!
Our Busy Buzzy Bee Business was a great success on Friday! We sold out of delicious chocolate cookies and sold many many tasty hot chocolates! A huge thank you must go to the families and friends who purchased our goods. We made a profit of £69.07 which we shall invest in future projects.
Starry Night printing for our calendars
After being rained off from our Church visit this morning, we decided to use our spare time to create our calendars. Retrieving our knowledge of printing from last term, we sketched Van Gogh's Starry Night on to our tile, layered the printing ink and produced a stunning final piece! We are going to let them dry then cut and back them on to card ready to go home as our 2023 calendar.
We cannot wait for you to see them!

A special visit from our friends from Wyberton Church
This morning, we were due to visit Wyberton Church but due to the weather we unfortunately had to cancel. However, our lovely friends came to visit us instead to deliver their Remembrance workshop. We listened intently as stories were recalled about visiting Normandy. We learnt about the importance of Remembrance Day and the significance of the poppy. Thank you for coming to visit us. We hope we can come and visit you in Church soon.
What makes a good friend?
In our PSHE lesson today, we discussed the qualities of a good friend. Using a game of charades, we allocated the children a quality of a good friend to rehearse as a quick drama/mime for the class to guess.
Investigating how to separate materials
The Honeybees have loved our Science lessons last term, which have continued this term. We have been learning all about materials and their properties, and this term we shall learn more about how materials can change.
Here we are in action investigating different ways to separate materials. We were shocked to discover that salt and water can be separated. One Honeybee recognised that the salt had dissolved but listened carefully to understand how it could be separated by heating or allowing the water to dissolve which would leave behind the salt.
We are Cryptographers!
In Computing lessons, we have been learning about cryptography! Our first lesson introduced us to the art of semaphore - a special code which uses flags to convey messages. We uncovered a secret message, then worked with our partner to send messages to each other. Here you can see some of our Honeybees in action!
In our second lesson, we looked at Morse Code. Some of us had already heard of this and new that it was used during war times to send and receive messages safely. Using the torch app on the iPad, we sent words to our partner to guess using light to create the dots and dashes.

Testing out new retrieval activities in Art
This term, we are studying the Art of Vincent Van Gogh! In our first lesson, we analysed several pieces of his artwork and discussed what we liked about them. In addition, we researched interesting facts about his life and why he chose to cut off his ear!
In our second lesson, we began with a 'cops and robbers' style retrieval activity. This involved being the 'cop' and recalling all of the facts we could remember about him, then being the 'robbers' and stealing facts from our peers. It was lots of fun and really helped our retrieval of knowledge.