Term 1
This term, our enquiry question asks How do we recover from a disaster? The question drives our learning across the curriculum as we investigate The Great Fire of London, Guy Fawkes, The Gun Powder Plot and Harvest.
Please keep checking back here for more updates on our learning journey. I am excited to see where our learning takes us...
Farmer Stuart came to show us his harvest
Our Key Stage 1 students were privileged to have a local farmer visit them and explain why this time of year is so busy for our community's farmers.
Stuart showed us some of the difficulties he faces and taught us that crops grown right here in Lincolnshire feed people across the country.

We visited St Leodegar's Church
On our first class trip of the year, Kingfishers visited the local church and experienced a traditional harvest.

Material Monster Madness
We also held our first Parent Event of the year this term which provided the children with an opportunity to showcase their new scientific language as they built monsters from recycled materials - there were some fantastic creations.