Term 4- How do you become a determined explorer?
Welcome to Spring Term 2. We hope that everyone has had a lovely half term! We have lots of exciting learning that we cannot wait to share with you this term. We are excited to share all of our learning with you.
Our Enquiry question this term is: How do you become a determined explorer? We will be looking at all of the things that makes explorers amazing and what it took for them to become incredible.
Please find attached our Enquiry mat along with our class newsletter. These will provide you with an overview of our learning.
World Book Day
The Kingfishers loved celebrating world book day in their pyjamas, children shared their love of reading and some of their favourite books with each other and with year 4. The children had a very lovely day.
Children have really enjoyed looking at living things and their habitats this term. Children have been out to explore the areas around us to see what micro-habitats they could find along with the minibeasts that have made them their homes.

In RE this term, children have been learning about thankfulness in Judaism. Children have acted out the story of Moses and how he led the Israelites to safety and parted the Red Sea to get them to safety. We have also discussed the importance of the Passover celebration.

So far in history, children have thought about what an explorer looks like, what special equipment they have, and why explorers are so important.
This week we learnt about the life of Ibn Battuta, children created freeze frames to show the key events from his life, some being: him being robbed by pirates and writing his book.