W/C 01.03.2021
Week commencing 01.03.2021
Hello Fox Class,
How are you? It was lovely to hear from so many of you last week via video calls or phone calls. We are entering our last week of Remote Learning, before we all return back to school on Monday 8th March! It has been a long time since we were last all together and I am incredibly proud of every single one of you. The weekly bookings appointments have given me the opportunity to chat to you about your incredible work and the weekly story times have allowed us to come together as a class and for you to see your friends virtually. I will always be grateful for the amazing technology that we can access to enable this to happen. I’m so excited to hear the buzzing of the classroom, to see your smiling faces and to hear your voices as I welcome you back into class in a week’s time.
It is World Book Day on Thursday 4th March and we have some exciting activities to celebrate the world of reading. Please save a tube or kitchen roll tube for a fun activity on Thursday. I emailed the letter from Miss Anstey last week but I have attached it below for you to read again if you wish. We will also have the opportunity to listen to a virtual reading of ‘Socks and Mittens Go Exploring’ by local author Charlotte Reynolds and there is information in the letter about buying a signed copy of this book.
Please note there will be an extra storytime for you to join on Thursday at 11:30 am. Please bring your favourite book to share with us, you can read some of it to the class or you can just talk about why it is your favourite book. I will send an email on Monday 1st March with links to both storytimes this week.
For now, enjoy the last week of remote learning and keep shining bright.
From a very excited Mrs Davies 😊
Morning lessons |
11:30-12:00 |
Afternoon lessons |
2:00-3:00 |
Monday |
Maths lesson 1 |
English lesson 1 |
Reading comprehension |
Teacher conference During this time, I am available to respond to emails. Please send me your work of what you have been doing in the morning lessons. |
Spelling activity 1 |
Topic |
Teacher conference During this time, I am available for online booking, responding to your emails, and making phone calls. |
Maths lesson 2 |
English lesson 2 |
Reading comprehension
Spelling activity 2 |
P.E. |
Wednesday |
Maths Lesson 3 |
English lesson 3 |
Storytime with Mrs Davies on Microsoft Teams (see link in email sent on 01.03.2021).
Spelling games on Spelling Shed |
Science |
Thursday |
Create a Character Tube of your favourite character |
Live event at 10:30am. Words and Pictures- Bringing reading to life (see link below in World Book Day Section). |
Celebrate your favourite book with Mrs Davies on Microsoft Teams (see link in email sent on 01.03.2021).
Virtual Reading of Socks and Mittens go Exploring (see link below in World Book Day Section).
Bringing characters to life with Nadia Shireen (see link below in World Book Day Section). |
Friday |
Maths arithmetic |
Live event at 10:30am Books and the Real World (see link below in World Book Day Section). |
Big Write |
Spelling test |
Creative learning-Music |
This week in Maths, we are going to continue our learning about money. There is a video link to each Maths lesson in the Video Resource Centre. As you send me your work, you may find additional videos in the Video Resource Centre to help with misunderstandings.
LO. To develop my arithmetic skills
Please complete page 13 in your CGP Mental workout book.
This week in English we are going to plan and write our own explanation texts about earthquakes. There is a video for each lesson in the Video Resource Centre. As you send me your work, you may find additional videos in the Video Resource Centre to help with misunderstandings.
Lesson 1
Monday 1st March 2021
LO. To apply my understanding of causal conjunctions
Lesson 3
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
LO. To compose an explanation text
**There will be a video uploaded in the Video Resource Centre very shortly- I am just having technical difficulties.**
Big Write
Friday 5th March 2021
LO. To write a story from a character’s point of view
Reading comprehension
Monday 2nd March 2021
Please complete pages 10 and 11 in your CGP KS2 English comprehension targeted question book. The answers have also been printed and are in this pack. |
Friday 5th March 2021
Please see the text below, ‘A Storm is Brewing.’ Read through the text and answer the questions on the same page. The answers are on the next slide. |
Some extra challenges that we usually complete in our Whole Class Guided Reading sessions:
This week we are focussing on the spelling rule: he /l/ sound spelled ‘-le’ at the end of words.
See below for the activities that are listed on the timetable above.
You will need to know your Spelling Shed log in details for some of the games. If you can’t quite remember your log in details, send me a message and I will be able to help you 😊
On Friday, watch the video in the Video Resource Centre labelled spelling test 05.03.2021 and you will be able to do your spelling test with Mrs Davies.
LO. To describe and compare different features of human and physical geography of Boston.
This week we are taking a closer look at the local area and identifying the human and physical geographical features.
See the link to P.E with Joe Wicks
P.E. with Joe wicks lesson link
Then see the new lesson from Elite Sporting Academy attached below.
LO. To understand that all animals including humans have offspring
Look through the PowerPoint to gain an understanding of animal's offspring. You will need to match the animal to it's offspring and you may need to research this. I wonder... is it always, sometimes or never true that all animal's offspring look the same as them? In this lesson, you will also describe the life cycle of an animal. I am very excited to see your Science work this week.
World Book Day Activities
Lesson 1
Thursday 4th March 2021
LO. To create a character tube
We are going to spend the first part of the morning, creating a character tube of our favourite characters.
See the attached document labelled character tube to find out more.
Lesson 2 part 1
Thursday 4th March 2021 10:30 live event- Words and Pictures- bringing reading to life
This is a live event happening at 10:30, click on the link to join in with the fun!
Lesson 2 part 2
Thursday 4th March 2021
LO. To share and discuss our favourite books.
Click on the link in the email sent on 01.03.2021 to join an extra Teams meeting with Mrs Davies and the rest of Fox Class to share your favourite book.
You may want to read an extract from it. I can’t wait to hear you share your opinions about your favourite books!
Lesson 3
Thursday 4th March 2021
LO. To form opinions about a book
In this lesson, we will be able to listen to a local author read her book called, ‘Socks and Mittens Go Exploring’.
You will find this video in the Video Resource Centre.
When you have watched the video, use the template to create a book review about this story.
Lesson 4
Thursday 4th March 2021
LO. To understand how characters can be brought to life in stories.
Bringing characters to life with Nadia Shireen
There is a video in the Video resource Centre from Mrs Davies that explains all about this lesson.
Friday 5th March 2021 10:30 live event- Books and the real world
This is a live event happening at 10:30, click on the link to join in with the fun!
Creative Learning
LO. To explore different rhythms in percussive music
Today we will be exploring the different sounds and rhythms you can hear. This is the second lesson from The National Oak Academy.