Term 6- What are the benefits of trade links and buying locally?
Welcome to Summer Term 2 in the Honeybee Class. We have lots of exciting activities taking place this term alongside our learning including sports day, a sports experience and transition. Our enquiry learning has a Geography driver this term and our question is 'what are the benefits of trade links and buying locally?'.
Please find below this term's newsletter which outlines the learning that is taking place this term. As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to speak to any of the Year 5 team.
Climbing wall
we were lucky enough to spend the morning showing our resilience and determination as we clawed our way to the top of a climbing wall.
Careers and money week
We were lucky enough to learn more about a career in the RAF and as an investment and skills officer as we welcomed two professionals from these fields into class. The children thoroughly enjoyed getting to know more about what the roles entail and what skills and qualities are required to succeed within these fields.
Emotional resilience workshop
We welcomed another visitor into our class to help us to better understand how we can solve conflicts and improve our emotional resilience. We enjoyed learning new tools that we can apply in our lives through playing a game.
In our P.E. sessions this term, we have been embedding the skills we have learnt previously in cricket and applied these to further develop our play and understanding of the game.