Week beginning 2nd November
Hello Deer Class! This page is for any children who aren't in school and are accessing remote learning instead. You will find a timetable below and activities for lessons which we are completing in class this week.
You can use the Contact form on the website to message me any questions you have or to share any of your learning. I would love to see any of your learning and give you feedback - all work which you complete can be sent to me and marked. Have fun and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Morning lessons |
Afternoon lessons |
Monday |
Maths lesson 1 |
Guided Reading 1 |
English lesson 1 |
Spelling activity 1 |
Remembrance Assembly practice |
Tuesday |
Maths lesson 2 |
Guided Reading 2 |
English lesson 2 |
Spelling activity 2 |
Arithmetic |
Topic |
Wednesday |
Maths lesson 3 |
Guided Reading 3 |
English lesson 3 |
Spelling Shed |
R.E |
P.E 1 |
Thursday |
Art 1 |
Guided Reading 4 |
P.E 2 |
Spelling Shed |
Maths lesson 4 |
English lesson 4 |
Friday |
Maths lesson 5 |
Guided Reading cold task |
English lesson 5 |
Spelling test |
P.S.H.E |
Art 2 |
In Maths this week, we are learning how to use short multiplication and long multiplication - these are both methods which we have looked at very briefly this school year already.
- Maths Lesson 1 - Challenges
- Maths Lesson 1 - Answers
- Maths Lesson 2 - Challenges
- Maths Lesson 3 - Fluency
- Maths Lesson 4 - Challenges
- Maths Lesson 5 - Challenges
- Arithmetic test 3
- Arithmetic test 3 - Answers
In English this week, we are focusing on learning our script for our Remembrance Assembly on Wednesday 11th November. The document below has the appropriate lines on it which you should be rehearsing. Remember to use a nice loud voice! The links and lyrics are also attached for you to listen to the songs which we will be using.
The SPaG work is focusing on using was/were correctly, making sure we select suitable verbs.
This week's Reading will be focusing on an image and a short poem from a book. Have a look at the activities and have a go at completing them.
For your cold task, spend one session reading the Remembrance Day comprehension, then answer the separate cold task questions.
- Reading Lesson 1
- Reading Lesson 2
- Reading Lesson 3
- Reading Lesson 4 - Remembrance Day comprehension
- Reading Lesson 5 - Cold Task
Spellings this week are focusing on the 'oh' sound spelled ow or ou. You will find two days of activities below, and then you should complete the assignments on Spelling Shed like we usually do on Wednesday & Thursday. Ask your family members to test you on Friday and let me know your score.
This week we are launching our new topic of World War One. BBC Bitesize will be used in class, so take a look at the following link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zqhyb9q/articles/znhhrj6
It explains why World War One began, which is the focus for this week's learning. I have also attached a resource which we will be exploring in class, examining different sources to try to understand what had happened to cause the outbreak of the war. The PowerPoint may help to see the images more clearly.
In Art this week, we will be creating some artwork for our Remembrance Assembly. I have attached a PowerPoint with ideas on - you could do something similar if you have the equipment at home, or you could create your own designs using any media which you have.
In Lesson 1, you should explore the designs in the resource below and create your background. This could be using pastel, chalk, watercolour or pencil crayon.
In Lesson 2, you should then create your silhouette of a soldier or a cross (like the designs). Draw it, then cut it out carefully.
Get moving with one of Joe Wicks' videos! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhFmi_OaBG4
This week's learning focuses on sacred texts in Christianity - take a look here for a quiz and videos to help: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-is-the-sacred-text-of-christianity-c8r6cd