How Have Survival Skills Changed Through Time?
Column method being used and applied
the children have been very busy learning how to use the column method to solve addition and subtraction calculations over the past week. The children are now applying their understanding of the column method to problem solving and reasoning questions, making great progress along the way.

As Christmas time approaches, Fox Class are keen to get started on the special things we make such as cards, calendars. At Wyberton Primary Academy, we have a special tradition of decorating a 'Christmas Hoop'.
The children have designed, evaluated and made their very own printing block. They then used their printing blocks to creating a repeating pattern onto a white piece of card. Then they assembled folded angels. It was inspiring to see the creativity in Fox Class as the children demonstrated team work, pride and resilience as it was not an easy task to create such wonderful final products!
Science based guided reading
Retrieving science knowledge and applying it in guided reading today! "They stopped using rocks when they discovered bronze... rocks were weathered and eroded easily... some rocks can be permeable, they won’t be as strong to use!”
Why is Skara Brae important?
The children were keen to find out more about a key historic Stone Age village and the significance of what was found there in 1850. The children researched, collaborated and the collated all of the information they found in small groups so that they could begin to plan a non-chronological report all about Skara Brae.

What is a force?
So far this term we have been exploring what a 'force' is By using verbs such as kick, haul, pump, squeeze and jump the children were able to identify and classify these words into a push, pull or both catergories. After gaining an understanding of what a force is, we then worked to answer the question, 'Can an object be moved by a force without using contact?' The children explored using magnets to answer this question and were excited with their findings. Through exploration, the children's curiosity and inquisitiveness shone through as they identified scientific questions about magnets, such as 'How strong is a magnet?' 'Is it true- the more bigger the magnet the stronger it is' and 'Are magnets as powerful in water as they are in air?'