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Wyberton Primary Academy

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Wyberton Primary Academy

How do you recover from a disaster?


The Kingfishers have enjoyed retrieving knowledge of the part part whole method from Year 1 and applying it to larger numbers. We have explored a range of equipment to represent tens and ones. The Kingfishers also found representing numbers on number lines quite tricky so they loved making this practical and creating a human number line.


The Kingfishers have loved learning to control the ball in Basketball this term. The progress the children have made in a few weeks has been brilliant. They can now pass and dribble whilst keeping control of the ball.

School Council

During campaign week, they put up posters and spoke to their peers. Results are in and we have the two new councillors to represent the Kingfishers views.

Our visit to St.Leodegar's church

The Kingfishers loved visiting the church to find out all about harvest. They explored harvest related bible stories, exploring how harvest begins with planting, the process of wheat and clay harvesting. It was lovely to retrieve what we had already learnt about harvest in class and develop that further with new knowledge from church.


The Kingfishers loved having a modern tractor and vintage tractor visit our school this term. We compared the similarities and differences between them and the children were fascinated with the facts! We definitely think farming is easier and quicker now then historically.

How do you recover from a disaster?

As part of our enquiry question, we learnt how fires were put out during the Great Fire of London and how they are put out now. We designed our own fire engines, researched suitable materials and created them with the purpose of transporting water. The children developed their engineering skills of using saws, measuring accurately and using wheels and axes.

Fire engines

Here are the final creations of our fire engines. After testing them, 5 out of 6 were successful and 1 had a leaky tank.

Reading for Pleasure

The Kingfishers are developing a love of reading and we love to just sit and explore our books. Not reading because we have to or only reading what we are told to, we love to choose a book we like the look of and find somewhere comfortable to get cosy and read.


The children have been exploring different pathways. They first experimented creating a zig zag pathway and then created curved pathways. The children created these sequences on the floor and using equipment. They also explored different levels and shapes along the way.

COP 26

The Kingfishers joined the COP 26 conference and were learning about the effects of climate change on Antarctica. They were fascinated to see the continent and the animals that live there. The Kingfishers were keen to learn about what they can do to help save our world.
