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Wyberton Primary Academy

Week beginning 22/02/21

Hello Owl Class,

A warm welcome to term 4. This term we are going to be continuing with our enquiry question: Where in the world would you like to live? I hope you have had a restful half term and enjoyed spending time with your families. We have another exciting term ahead of us and I can’t wait to see all of your amazing work and celebrate your successes. This term in our topic lessons we will be zooming in on the world map to our little village of Wyberton. We will explore the village and its features, compare it to other surrounding villages, towns and cities and then begin our exciting task of building our very own town.

Important notice: Please start to collect small cardboard boxes in preparation for the end of term when we will be making our own towns.

Please see the suggested timetable below for the week to help you structure your time. This is what the Key Worker children in school will be doing, so what is happening in school is the same as what you are doing at home. I know it is a start to a new term at home, but please still send me emails, make bookings or phone calls to stay in contact and I do still expect to be seeing completed work so I can provide feedback and reward team points, certificates where necessary. Have a lovely week and I can’t wait to hear from you!


Morning lessons


Afternoon lessons



Maths 1

English 1


During this time, I am available to respond to emails, so please send me images of what you have been doing.


Reading- cold task

During this time, I am available for Online Bookings, responding to your emails and making phone calls.



English 2



Reading for pleasure


Maths 2

English 3

Virtual Storytime on Teams with Miss Hinch


Phonics/ spelling games on Spelling shed


Maths 3

English 4



Reading comprehension


Maths 4






This week in Maths we are looking at capacity and volume. Below you will find this week’s resources for each Maths lesson. In the Video Resource Centre you will find a video that talks you through each days input and activity for the week. 

This week for our Maths starters we will be looking at our number bonds to 10. We need to be able to know our number bonds to 10 off the top of our head, in a short amount of time.  Before each Maths lesson please spend 10 minutes on  Maths shed practising your number bonds to 10. 


Over the next two weeks in our English lessons we are going to be looking at non-fiction pages and books. Towards the end of the 2 weeks you will produce your very own non-fiction page on England. Below you will find the lesson resources you will need for each lesson. There is a video in the Resource Centre that talks you through each days input and activities. 

You will need your CGP books for your starters.


This week in phonics we are going to be recapping some sounds that some children are still finding difficult and also practising our reading of real and nonsense words. Please see the lesson resources below for this week. You will also need your sounds mats to practise all of the previously taught phonemes and to practise reading some of your high frequency words. You will also need your Phonics CGP book.


This week in P.S.H.E. we are going to be learning about what makes us special and unique, our likes and dislikes and recognising what you are good at. Read through the PowerPoint below which provides your input and activity for this lesson.


This week in our science lesson we are going to be learning all about the different weather symbols. Watch the video in the Resource Centre for todays input and explanation of todays task. Below you will find some resources you will need for today’s lesson


This week in our SPaG lesson we are adding the suffix -ing. Remember that a suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word. Watch the video in the resource centre to introduce this week SPaG lessons and activities.


This term in PE we will be exploring athletics. This week’s focus is running and walking. Find yourself a clear space this can be outside or inside. We are going to play the Gear Change Game. Just like a car we are going to have 5 gears. The higher the gear the quicker you are going to go. Ask an adult or sibling to call out a gear from 1-5. Each gear represents how you are going to travel around your space. Gear 1 represents – a slow walk, Gear 2 – a jog, Gear 3 - skip, Gear 4 – skip or side step and Gear 5 – run or sprint. Don’t forget to send in pictures of you getting active that I can add to our gallery at the bottom of the page.

Alternatively, you can join Joe wicks for his daily work out.


This week in our Topic lesson we are going to be looking at the similarities and differences between a city, town and village. Watch the video in the Resource Centre for the input and activity for this lesson.


Reading for pleasure - Use this time to read something you enjoy.

Reading cold task - Read the text below and answer the questions either on the sheet or in your writing book. 

Reading comprehension – CGP book page 13 and 14


This week’s spellings are below, try spending 5 minutes each day practising your spellings. You can also use spelling shed to help you practise your spellings. On Friday log in to spelling shed and complete Spring 2 Week 1spelling test and send me your scores. Good Luck!
