Week 3
A suggested timetable for this week's learning
^This time has been dedicated to responding to what your parents have put onto Tapestry and calling/video chatting with you for a catch up about how you are getting on. Please use the Booking system if you would like to have a video chat.
PSED Grounding Exercise 1
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
When I’ve been chatting to lots of mums and dads over the past week they have told me that their child has found the change in routine a challenge and this has led to some big emotions. Something that can help is to give your child some time to ground. In this week’s video I guide them through an exercise that can be done at any time of the day – whenever they are feeling a bit wobbly or that anger is building. The children don’t have to do this out loud – it can be completed within their own thoughts. Hopefully it helps.
Maths Shape Space and Measures Session 1
Today encourage your child to try to order 3 or more items by how heavy they feel from heaviest to lightest. You could use the weights of the birds that we have been investigating over the past couple of weeks, the children’s toys or household items. You don’t have to stop at 3 items but this is the best place to start.
Maths Shape Space and Measures Session 2
Use the RSPB’s website to find out the lengths of this week’s birds. Encourage and support your child in measuring out lengths of ribbon, wool etc. for these birds, label them and add them to their display. Can they put them in order from longest to shortest? Encourage them to compare some of the lengths of ribbon to things around the house. Is a robin bigger than your TV? Could a blackbird fit inside your lunchbox?...
Maths Number Session 1
See video. This week we really want to secure the children’s ability to combine 2 groups and to begin to remember that the + symbol is what is used to tell us that we are combining groups. This video also goes on to introduce taking away. This may be too much of a challenge for some children so the video indicates where it can be stopped to give some children a chance to practice their skills before moving on.
Maths Number Session 2
To practice their adding skills there are a couple of CGP Maths book activities I would like the children to complete.
P11 activity 2 then P9 activity 1. If your child has moved onto taking away they could try completing P13 activity 2 and p14 activity 2.
Superstar Maths

Super Taking Away
I really love the example of taking away that has just been sent to me via Tapestry. It shows how the child has started with one large group and then moved some of the objects out to then find how many were left.
Great job!

Phonics Warm Up
To get the children thinking about Phonics we usually do a daily warm up which includes saying the sounds that we can see presented to us, singing the alphabet song and then reading and spelling at least 5 of the tricky words that we have learned so far. There is a warm up video on the video resource section of the website (found here: https://wyberton-primary-academy.primarysite.media/media/phonics-warm-up-video-sound-recall-summer-term) that runs through all of our sounds or you could encourage your child to use their sound mat. The tricky words that we have covered so far are: I, to, the, no, go, we, me, be, she, he, have, what, you, are, was and love. Perhaps you could write these onto paper and display them on the wall for your child to practice spelling and reading.
Phonics Session 1
After a warm up watch the video, found in the video resource section, introducing ‘u-e’ (like in dude). These sessions are most effective if you do not tell your child what the new sound is going to be. This encourages them to discover it for themselves.
To practice your skills this week I’ve suggested at the end of the video that you could try a game of hangman using a list of words that contain u-e.
Why not have a look on the phonics play website – its free again for the period of lockdown! Here is the link and the log in details.
username: jan21
password: home
Have a look at this game (there is also a free ap that you can download):
https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/forestPhonics/index.htmlWhich supports spelling development by giving your child a word to spell and a selection of sound cards to use to do it. They could practice all of the sounds we have learned so far using this game.
Phonics Session 2
After a warm up watch the video, found in the video resource section, introducing the tricky word ‘they’. These sessions are most effective if you do not tell your child what the new word is going to be. This encourages them to discover it for themselves.
At the end why not have a go at a game of tricky word hang-man. Write all of the tricky words so far on a mat and choose one to be the target word (don’t tell your child what it is but explain that it is on their mat). Play the traditional hangman game using letter names – encouraging your child to compare the number of spaces to the number of letters in the words on their mat. When they feel confident you can switch roles.
Phonics Session 3
After a warm up watch the video, found in the video resource section, introducing the tricky word ‘do’. These sessions are most effective if you do not tell your child what the new word is going to be. This encourages them to discover it for themselves.
At the end why not have a go at a game of tricky word hang-man. Write all of the tricky words so far on a mat and choose one to be the target word (don’t tell your child what it is but explain that it is on their mat). Play the traditional hangman game using letter names – encouraging your child to compare the number of spaces to the number of letters in the words on their mat. When they feel confident you can switch roles.
Phonics Session 4
After a warm-up please help your child to log-into their SpellingShed account. I have set them an assignment that helps to revise last week’s sound ‘oo’. Their log-in is found in an observation in their Tapestry journal.
Phonics Session 5
After a warm up help your child to add sound buttons and then blend to read the information text about blue tits – found in your week 3 pack. Here is a completed one if you are not sure what sound buttons are needed. The blue words are tricky words.
Superstar Phonics

UW Session 1
This week are target birds are the blue tit and the great tit. Take some time to explore the RSPB’s website for each of these birds encouraging your child to notice how they look the same or different, how their young are the same or different and why this might be the case (often younger birds are duller colours to help to camouflage them in the nest), where they live in our country and what they like to eat – do they like to eat the same things? Maybe you could take some notes on their weights and lengths, in your handwriting book, ready for your maths sessions later in the week.
Collaborative Write
This week the collaborative writing sentence is going to be ‘Blue tits like to eat caterpillars and seeds.’ Look out for a video that will model this for the children on the video resource section. Encourage your child to watch the video every day, with their sound mat with them. On Friday they should have a go independently at writing this sentence on the bottom of their blue tit worksheet. Hopefully they will be starting to write some of the higher frequency words that we are meeting from memory now – such as ‘like’ and ‘eat’.
Reading Session
In your week 3 pack you will find a text about Great tits. Please help your child to add sound buttons and then blend to read the information text about these birds. Here is a completed one if you are not sure what sound buttons are needed. The blue words are tricky words. I’ve put some bubbles around new tricky words – great, aggressive and table.
This reading session is an opportunity to expand the children’s vocabulary. You are invited to explore the meaning of the word ‘aggressive’.
Quick captions
This is a daily opportunity for your child to exercise their writing skills without any rehearsal time. Please tell your children the caption they need to write and then encourage them to use their sound mat to help them to write it.
Super Caption Writing

Art 1
Draw a great tit. Encourage and support your child to use the RSPB’s website page about great tits
to look closely at the shapes and colours that make up a great tit’s body. Using the great tit sheet, in your week 3 booklet, encourage your child to draw a great tit and then colour it using the correct colours. You might like to talk about how a great tit is the same or different to the birds we looked at last week.
If they are becoming frustrated at not being able to create the correct body shapes yet then you could try printing a picture of a great tit and encouraging them to trace around it. This is not cheating.
Super Great Tit Drawing

Art 2
Draw a blue tit. Encourage and support your child to use the RSPB’s website page about blue tits https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/blue-tit/look closely at the shapes and colours that make up a blue tit’s body. Using the blue tit sheet in your week 3 booklet, encourage your child to draw a blue tit and then colour it using the correct colours. You might like to talk about how a blue tit is the same or different to a great tit or the birds we looked at last week.
Again, if they are becoming frustrated at not being able to create the correct body shapes yet then you could try printing a picture of a blue tit and encouraging them to trace around it. This is not cheating.
Super Blue tits

This week’s ball skills progress on from passing a ball in a straight line and dribbling to being able to kick a ball through a target. Try placing 2 objects (like 2 balled up jumpers or plant pots) a little way apart and encouraging your child to stand a short distance away from them. Can they gently kick the ball through the gap? What if they move to the side a little – can they still get it through the gap? What if they move further away? Can they dribble the ball a little way and then kick it through the gap?
Super PE skills

UW Technology
To enable the children to be able to access laptops and other devices they need to become familiar with a keyboard. Please encourage them to use a keyboard you have at home or this picture of one, to complete the missing keys on the worksheets in their week 3 resource pack. The missing keys should spell some tricky words.