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Wyberton Primary Academy


Welcome to Year 3 - the Fox Class


The Class Teacher is Mrs Davies and the Teaching Assistants are Mrs Maw and Mrs Wilson, however other adults in school will be working in the class throughout the year too.


This term, we will be entering the fascinating world of the ancient Egyptians and exploring life in Egypt over 3,000 years ago. In order to answer our enquiry question, ‘What happened to the Ancient Egyptians in life and after death?’, we will be developing our historical enquiry skills and researching many aspects of this extraordinary civilisation, including daily life, pharaohs, gods, pyramids and hieroglyphs. We will also focus on the mummification process and burial rituals before embarking on our challenge – to mummify an organic item! To help deepen our knowledge and understanding, we will be reading the action-packed Tutankhamun’s Tomb, by Sue Reid. The story is set in 1922 when British archaeologist, Howard Carter, made an incredible discovery in the Valley of the Kings. 


In English, our class novel is Tutankhamun's Tomb, by Sue Reid. We will start the term by using the book ‘Cinderella of the Nile’ to develop key writing skills including using different types of sentences effectively, having a good understanding of word classes and revising basic sentence punctuation. The genres we will be covering this term are play scripts and narratives.


Our Maths lessons will be recapping fractions and then focusing on length, mass and volume.

Please keep practising your times tables. By the end of Year 3, children need to be fluent in the 3,4,8 and 11 times tables, in addition to the 2,5 and 10 times table from Year 2.


Our Science topic in Term 5 is Light. We will gain a good understanding that in order to see things, we need light and darkness is the absence of light. We will observe how light is reflected from different surfaces. We will also build upon our sun safety day to deepen our understanding of the dangers of sunlight and how we can protect our eyes. The children will also be able to recognise that shadows are formed when light sources are blocked by an opaque object and examine patterns in the way that the size of shadows change.


Our DT will closely be linked to what we will be  learning about in Science as we will design and make our very own light boxes that we will use to act out our play scripts (from English) with shadow puppets.


We will continue to use this terms enquiry mat to support class discussions and encourage deeper learning. See below for a copy of the mat.


This is going to be another brilliant term and I'm very excited!  Keep checking back on this page for updates and also on our twitter feed @MrsDaviesWyb.


Thank you,

Mrs Davies

Contact Mrs Davies

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