Monday 8th February
At 11.15 there will be a live lesson from the Festival of Literature with the author of 'The Boy who Grew Dragons'
Click the link here to watch this session at 11.15
If you miss it, please do not worry. You can catch up at any time from 12.15 today.
We really enjoyed listening to Andy Shepherd talk about her story writing process and share some ideas with us about how to imagine our own dragons for our own stories.
Look who replied to our tweet!
Tuesday 9th February
LO: To recognise the features of a free verse poem
LO: To record ideas for our own poem
On Thursday 4th February, we watched a live session with Rachel Rooney the poet of the book ‘A Kid in my Class.’ This inspired us to read and share lots of different poems!
Yesterday, the author of ‘The Boy who grew Dragons’ series, Andy Shepherd, joined us for another live session as part of the Festival of Literature. We loved learning about how she imagines dragons by thinking of qualities from two animals and imagining where the dragon might live. She explained how she thinks dragons grow from dragon fruits! It was fascinating to hear her ideas. Some of the Badgers in school went on to draw their own dragons following Andy’s process. Did any of you manage to watch this session? Have you created your own dragon?
Inspired by the poetry of Rachel Rooney and the creativity of Andy Shepherd’s dragon ideas, we are going to write some of our own dragon poetry! Using Andy Shepherd’s Dragons vs Cucumbers description from the beginning of her book, we are going to write free verse poems about things that dragons do, but cucumbers (or another fruit or vegetable you can grow) do not do! Our aim is to make our reader laugh when they read our poem!
In today's lesson, we are going to read some free verse poetry and learn more about the features of a free verse poem. We are also going to collect some ideas for our own poems.
Wednesday 10th February
Join us at 11.15 for a live session with Emma Yarlett, author of Dragon Post! (This is the story we read last week in our virtual story time!)
Click the link here to watch this session at 11.15
If you miss it, please do not worry. You can catch up at any time from 12.15 today.
Thursday 11th February
LO: To draft my free verse poem
In today's lesson, we are going to use our ideas from Tuesday and write our poem.
Watch this video (skip to 9.20) to help you with today's lesson
Friday 12th February
LO: To publish my poem
There's a short introduction to today's lesson here (skip to 20.52)
In today's lesson, we are going to publish our poems. Think creatively about how you would like to publish your work. Could you include illustrations? Do you have any coloured pencils you could use to bring it to life? Could your dragon be speaking the poem maybe?
Once you have published your work, please send them in to me. I am sharing them with Miss Anstey who is making a display of everyone's work from the Festival of Literature. I cannot wait to read them!