Week beginning 4/1/21
This is a suggested timetable for Wednesday - Friday. Please use it as a guide for what works for you and your family, however please aim to complete Maths and English daily.
Morning lessons |
Afternoon lessons |
Wednesday |
Maths |
Phonics |
English |
Reading for pleasure |
Topic learning |
Thursday |
Maths |
Phonics |
English |
Homework |
P.E. |
Friday |
Arithmetic |
Phonics |
Reading – Cold task |
Spellings |
This week in maths we are continuing with place value to 20. Everyday before your maths lessons I would like you to practise counting forwards and backwards to 20. You might then want to challenge your self by starting at a random number and counting forwards to 20 or backwards to 0.
Wednesday - Comparing groups of objects. Here is a video to help you - https://vimeo.com/483168827
Thursday - Comparing numbers. Here is a video to help you - https://vimeo.com/483169674
Friday - Arithmetic. Please complete set 3 test 1 from your home learning pack.
This weeks arithmetic answers
Some fantastic Maths learning
This week in phonics we are looking at the 'or' digraph alternatives.
Wednesday - Watch - youtube.com/watch?v=finOGW5MCCs and then use the PowerPoint to practise reading words with the 'aw' grapheme in them.
Thursday - Watch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtK7EcfcIEM and then use the handwriting practise sheet to practise writing words with the 'or' sound in them. You can use your writing book instead of printing out the sheet.
Friday - Recap reading and spelling all phase 3 tricky words using the tricky word bingo sheet.
Fantastic phonics!
Busy writers
Some more fantastic writing from our Keyworker children
Reading for pleasure - Use this time to read something you enjoy.
Reading cold task - Read the text and answer the questions either on the sheet on in your writing book.
This terms overarching question is 'Where in the world would you like to live?'
We will be looking at the world including; the continents, the UK, hot and cold places, physical and human geography and much more. I cannot wait to see all of your fabulous learning for this topic.
This week we will be beginning our topic by looking at the continents of the world. Have a look at the PowerPoint below and then use the map on the PowerPoint to help you label the 7 continents of the world. Please use map A in your learning pack for this activity.
I would love to see your work when you have finished.
Also inside your learning packs you have a copy of our new enquiry map. It would be a good idea to familiarise yourself with what is on this and begin to learn the key vocabulary words and their definitions.
Stay at home superheroes
Super map work from our key worker children
In PSHE this term, we will be learning about 'Digital wellbeing'. This PowerPoint will provide you with the teaching for this lesson and also your first activity
Join in with cosmic kids yogo for your PE this week.
Joybob The Polar Bear - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP9jd1Ug2y4
Calypso the Flamingo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96R059yOPVI
Spellings and Homework
You should be practising your spellings everyday. You can choose how to do this, you may want to use your spelling sheet you received on Monday, spelling shed or any other creative way that fits you.
Please complete your spelling test on spelling shed on Friday and let me know your score. Good luck!
The homework section on the timetable is time for you to complete your homework or use spelling/ maths shed.