T4 - How does the earth shake, rattle and roll?
Our volcanic eruptions!

We worked hard to practise our class assembly this term all about Easter. We loved sharing our performance with the school and our parents. Here are some photos from our performance!
Our enquiry question this term is 'How does the earth shake, rattle and roll?'. We will be building on our previous knowledge from Y3 to learn more about earthquakes and volcanoes. We will use our Science learning on States of Matter to support this. In art, we will produce our own volcano-inspired drawings. In English and Guided Reading, we will use 'Escape from Pompeii' to inspire our narrative writing. Keep up to date with our learning by following the school Twitter page @WybertonPrimary.
In Science, we are learning about the States of Matter. We have explored lots of different materials, like water, milk, sugar, rice, plastic cubes, and paper. We sorted them into solids, liquids and gases based on their observable properties. We learned that even though we could pour sugar, it is not a liquid as it does not take the shape of its container. We looked closely saw that each tiny granule had the properties of a solid.
We used salt and ice to reduce the temperature to negative 10 to help us freeze some ice cream! We watched the ingredients change state from liquid to solid.
We tested the melting points of different chocolates. We made predictions and made sure our experiment was a fair test. We found out that milk chocolate melted the fastest. Dark chocolate took the longest to melt! This was because of its cocoa content.
In Geography, we are learning about the layers of the earth. We watched Miss Wilson crack an egg to show us how the structure of an egg is similar to the structure of the earth. We learned that there are 3 main layers: the crust, the mantle and the core. As you get closer to the centre, the temperature increases! We made 3D nets to show how tectonic plates fit together, but also how they can push against each other and create earthquakes! In our next lesson, we watched some incredible videos of real volcano eruptions. We discussed what we thought we would see, hear, smell and taste at the edge of an erupting volcano! We also learned to explain what happens when tectonic plates converge and diverge.
We loved celebrating World Book Day together. Here is a photo of us in our super costumes! We spent the day celebrating reading and we got the chance to share stories with Reception and with other teachers in the school.
In PSHE, we have started to learn about communities. We have considered how we can all play a part in making sure our school community is an inclusive place to be.
In French, our unit is 'vive le sport'!. We have begun to learn vocabulary relating to sport and foods. We have been able to explain what is good for our health and bad for our health. We have learned to express our likes and dislikes about foods and sports.
In Music, we have begun to learn about pentatonic melodies. We used chime bars to learn a pentatonic melody to 'Me Tarzan, You Jane'.
In PE, we are lucky to have swimming lessons again this term. We also have Tennis with Miss Wilson. We are learning to keep control of our ball to help us in a match.
In Computing, we are becoming bloggers! We have explored online blogs and their features. We are beginning to create our own class blog too. We have learned to create blog posts and comment on each other's posts.
In Art, we are learning to draw this term. We are building on our previous drawing skills from KS1 and Year 3. We have looked at the paintings of William Turner and Joseph Wright. Both of these painters created depictions of Mount Vesuvius. We created our own drawings using pastels to represent our own eruptions!