Week beginning 8/2/21
Happy last week of term Owl Class!
Wow we have officially made it to the last week of what feels like the longest term! You have all done AMAZING throughout this term and it makes me so proud to be your teacher! You have not failed to amaze me how you have taken everything in your stride and shone like the bright super stars I know you are!
Thank you so much for all of the work and pictures you are all sending me! I am loving seeing what you have been up to and thank you for joining in with our live phonics sessions and story times. It is always so lovely to see you all and it is definitely the best part of my week. Keep on sending in your work and making bookings with me this week as we approach the end of the term and then a enjoy a well deserved rest in half term. You all deserve it!
Below is this weeks suggested timetable. It is exactly the same as what the keyworker children in school will be doing. This week we also have internet safety day and a special treat for our English lessons! I hope you all have a lovely week and I can't wait to see and hear from you all!
Morning lessons |
11:30-12:00 |
Afternoon lessons |
2:00-3:00 |
Monday |
Maths |
Festival of Literature Session 1 10:30- 11 |
Phonics |
During this time, I am available to respond to emails, so please send me images of what you have been doing. |
Topic |
Reading for pleasure |
During this time, I am available for Online Bookings, responding to your emails and making phone calls. |
Tuesday |
Arithmetic |
English Big write |
Phonics |
Music |
Internet safety day activities |
Wednesday |
Maths |
Festival of Literature Session 2 10:00am |
Virtual Storytime on Teams with Miss Hinch 11:30 |
P.S.H.E |
Phonics |
Thursday |
Maths |
English |
Phonics |
P.E. |
Reading comprehension |
Friday |
Maths |
Phonics |
English + Teams Celebration and Quiz |
Science |
Spellings |
Internet safety day – Tuesday 9th February 2021
On Tuesday it is internet safety day and this day is all about creating awareness of the internet, its uses, how to use it safely and understanding the dangerous and risk of using it. This year the theme is: An internet we trust: exploring the reliability in the online world. This term in our P.S.H.E lessons we have done a lot of work around internet safety so we should already know lots about this. However, today I would like you to watch this video and complete the activity below.
Activity: Write an email to Wise_Owl saying what the story has taught you. This could be from yourself or from Digiduck. You could write this by hand using the templates below, or you could use a device to type them too. Alternative: Instead of writing, you could also draw the important things that you have learnt from the story.
Emails can be sent to familyfarmyard@childnet.com
Note to parentss: Emails will receive a reply from ‘Wise_Owl,’ who will be the creator and author of Digiduck, Lindsay Buck. Please ensure that emails are only sent from parents on behalf of your child and not your child themselves, thank you.
Friday 12th February 2021
On Friday instead of the usual star of the week assembly we are going to be having a special quiz and celebration assembly to celebrate all of the fantastic things you have been doing this term. The teams quiz will start at 11:30 and will finish just before 12. I hope to see lots of you there! There will be prizes for the winners of the quiz and also certificates and prizes to be given out for all of the hard work you have been doing at home.
I will send a link for the quiz to parent's email addresses and will upload the quiz at 12 for anyone unbale to join the quiz on teams.
Please bring a piece of paper and a pen as well as your answer to: What has been your favourite part of this term?
This week in Maths we are moving onto weight and mass. We are going to be comparing, measuring and solving problems with weight and mass. There is a video in the Resource Centre that will talk you through this weeks learning. Pause the video and come back to it each day. You can find the lesson resources for the week below.
Monday - Watch the video and complete the practical activity.
Tuesday – Arithmetic test 6. Don’t forget to send me a copy of your work to mark and get your team points!/
Festival of literature.
This week in English we have a special treat. We have two real life authors who are going to take over some of our English lessons. They will be doing live sessions that you can join in with at home at the selected times or you can catch up with them at a time that is convenient to you.
Monday 8th February
Today we have our first session live session from the Festival of Literature. Join Emily Hanna- Grazebrook at 10:30 -11:00. For a musical, magical story time.
Click the link to watch the live session at 10:30. When you a directed to the webpage, scroll down till you find the Emily Hanna- Grazebrook session for Year 1 and 2 at 10:30.
Tuesday 9th February
Today we are going to be drawing on all of knowledge from Science this term and our English work last week to write a piece of work about all of the seasons. Please watch the video in the Resource Centre for this lesson and find the resources below.
Wednesday 10th February
Today is our second live session from the Festival of Literature. Join Emma Yarlett the author the book nibbles – the book eating monster on a super exciting adventure. Click the link to watch the live session at 10:00am. When you a directed to the webpage, scroll down till you find the Emma Yarlett session for Reception, Year 1 and 2.
After the session we are going to be learning how to draw Nibbles to book monster. We will then use our illustrations at the end of the week to produce a fantastic piece of work.
Click here for the drawing activity. Follow the step by step guide to create your very own Nibbles illustration.
Thursday 11th February
Tomorrow we are going to be producing a wanted poster for Nibbles. Our lesson today is all about planning our wanted poster. Watch the video in the Resource centre for instructions for todays lessons.
Friday 15th February
Today we are producing our wanted posters! Use either the template below or create your own. For this lesson you will need your plan to help you and your illustration you drew on Wednesday. I cannot wait to see these!
This week in phonics we are going to be recapping all of our split diagraph sounds ‘a_e’, ‘e_e’, ‘i_e’, ‘o_e’ and ‘u_e’. See the documents below for this week’s lessons and activities.
This week in P.S.H.E we are going to be continuing with our mindfulness that we practised last week. Have a go at another activity from below that makes you happy.
- Colouring
- A walk or bike ride
- Baking
- Painting
- Practise breathing exercises
- Yoga
- Go outside and listen to your surroundings
- Listening to or creating music
- Read a book
This week we are also going to be practising our breathing exercises. Breathing exercises can help you relax, because they make your body feel like it does when you are already relaxed. Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress or anger in your body. This is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. In the document below there are some suggested breathing exercises that I would like you to try. Once you get the hang of them you can use these when you feel stressed, anxious or upset. I would love to see lots of pictures of you practising mindfulness and breathing exercises.
So far, in our topic lessons, we have learnt the names of the seven continents. We have located these on a world map. We have learnt about the different climates of the world, physical and human geography. We have used stories, pictures, maps, and our inference skills to help us find out about places. Last week we looked in more depth about Kenya and Africa. This week we are going to be looking at the United Kingdom and the surrounding seas. Watch the video in the Resource Centre.
We are continuing our learning about the weather and the seasons with the support of National Oak Academy. This week we are going to be learning all about hibernation. Click here for today’s lesson and activity.
We are going to continue our music lessons this term with the support of National Oak Academy. Click here for today’s lesson and activity.
Below you will find this week’s Elite Sports Academy P.E. at home Exercise and Learning. Please send photos in of you getting active - I would love to see. Alternatively, you can see Joe Wicks daily workouts.
Reading for pleasure - Use this time to read something you enjoy. Don't forget to send me a picture or an email. We are still picking a reading champion each week.
.Reading comprehension – CGP book page 11 and 12
This week’s spellings are below, try spending 5 minutes each day practising your spellings. You can also use spelling shed to help you practise your spellings. On Friday log in to spelling shed and complete week 6 spelling test and send me your scores. Good Luck