Term 2- How did man travel to the moon?
This term we are learning about the historical moon landing in 1969. Please look at the enquiry mat for the key vocabulary we will be using and the key information that you could discuss with your child.
This term we are learning about addition and subtraction within 10. This includes focusing on number bonds, part whole method and number sentences.
We are learning about narratives and sentence structure. We are reading the book 'Whatever Next!' and writing simple sentences to retell the story. We are creating our own stories about Bear's next adventure. We are learning to orally say our sentences out loud before writing them using role play to support this.
This term we are learning how to be gymnasts using our large and small body parts to create big and small movements. We are learning how to do this around a space, holding balances and applying this on to apparatus.
The children are learning about the moon landing through role play, examining different sources, sequencing sources and asking information and finding information.
This term we are learning about Picasso and using his style of cubism art to create self-portraits and our Christmas cards.
We are continuing our learning about plants and we have identified evergreen and deciduous trees. The children have also been examining the difference between seeds and bulbs.