Term 5 - Why should we preserve our locality?
Welcome back to a new Summer Term!
This Term our Enquiry question is 'Why should we preserve our locality?' and it is a History driver. We are learning about our local history and we will be campaigning to save a locally listed site - Saint Leodegar's Church, Wyberton.
As with every term, this enquiry will be thread throughout the curriculum as pupils immerse themselves in their learning!
Careers and money week
We have had lots of special visitors in Year Three this week as we learn more about different careers. We had Pots of Fun, photographer, videographer, oral health team and a chef! It has been a very exciting week and we have learnt a lot about these careers and how to run a business.
Sun and water safety day
We now know the dangers of different waters and how we can stay safe whilst also having fun! We also know how to enjoy the sun whilst staying safe at the same time. Lots of great explanations and ideas for how to stay safe in these environments.
In science this term we are learning about plants and their reproductive system.
In this lesson we learnt about seed dispersal and that seeds can travel in many different ways including by wind, water and animals.
Today we labelled the different parts of a plant through careful dissection.
Our writing genre for this term is explanation texts. We will learn about the features and grammar that are needed to write an explanation text so that we can plan, draft, edit and publish our own. Our explanation text will be about plants as this is our Science topic this term.
We retrieved our knowledge and understanding of instructions. Foxes helped Mr Pomfret with how to make a jam sandwich because he had forgotten. We very quickly found that detail was of great significance and simply saying ‘spread butter on the bread’ was not detailed enough.
This week in English we learnt about what an explanation text is and it’s features! We ended the week with some fun group work by analysing and annotating an explanation text with its features.
In Maths this term we are learning all things fractions! This will include recapping from Year 2 and learning new content including how to add and subtract fractions.
We created our own fraction wall to help us further our understanding of equivalent fractions. We did a fantastic job and found lots of fractions that were the same.
Today we used fractions to help us to answer questions of different contexts including with money! It was fabulous to see everyone retrieve their understanding of money and exchanging of coins.
In our Enquiry lessons this term we will be learning more about our locality, more specifically we will learn what a listed site is and learn more about listed sites near us so that we can campaign to preserve our local church!
We researched and interviewed our local Reverend to find out more information about our local Church and its importance to the community. We created lots of posters, badges, bookmarks and a banner! We are very excited to take this to the Church for our show and tell.
In computing we are learning how to create a class wiki all about our local area.This week we chose some subsections that we want to include. Stay tuned to find out some fun facts about Boston and its history!
This term we are learning about athletics and different techniques we can use to improve our form.
In our first lesson we explored our running style and experimented with what we should do with our head, feet and arms. We ran with our head held up high, on our heels and even with our arms behind our backs!
We found that our running form improved and we could run faster when our head was forward facing, our arms were moving back and forth and we sprung on our toes.