Term 6- How dark are the shadows?
This term we learnt all about Light. The children explored ways of blocking light, different amounts of light travelling through objects and how to make shadows.
Design Technology
This term the children have explored different types of theatres and light boxes. They designed their own light box and they worked in groups to create it. As a team, they planned their play and then after rehearsing it, performed it to the class.
Careers and Money Week
This term has been our exciting careers and money week where the children explore many different vocations that might inspire them for their futures. We have enjoyed visits from a firefighter, an RAF serviceman and a security officer. We were also grateful for being able to visit the Boston United football stadium. The children have asked lots of questions to find out about all the different roles.
This term the children have been developing their map skills locating specific places in counties based along the coast. The children learnt about the physical features that make up different coast lands.