Term 3 - What is the impact of humans living on Earth?
Enquiry mat
This term our Enquiry question is 'What is the impact of humans living on Earth?'. The main driver for this enquiry is Geography and we are learning about natural and man made environmental issues. As part of this we are exploring different countries using our Geography and map skills to determine geographical features of various places and where they are on a world map in relation to the UK.
This term we are applying our learning from our Enquiry lessons to write a persuasive letter to the schools in the Infinity Academies Trust to raise awareness of the impacts of plastic pollution. We have enjoyed researching about plastic and learning about its positive and negative impacts on Earth. We now know lots of information about plastic and we have learnt about the features we can use to persuade the reader to make a change to prevent the negative effects that plastic has in our schools.
We are continuing our learning of multiplication and division and we have learnt about different methods we can use to help us to answer multiplication and division questions from the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
This term we are learning about forces and magnets. We have learnt about the forces push and pull and created and performed freeze frames to the class to identify what the activity was and which force was used. We used our understanding of forces to investigate how friction effects the distance travelled when pushing and pulling objects on different surfaces and we found that the smoother the surface, the less friction there was on an object. Our learning will continue as we examine different magnets and learn about how they work and which metals they attract and repel.
We are learning about how to use technology safely and how to act respectfully and responsibly online. We have examined online content and identified how we can spot misinformation online. We acted as detectives to explore different information online and correctly establish whether the information was reliable and trustworthy.
Tennis is our chosen sport for this term and we are learning how to use a tennis racket, how to position ourselves correctly in order to win a point and how to utilise the space on a tennis court to win a game.