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Wyberton Primary Academy

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Wyberton Primary Academy

Extended School Day

Wyberton Primary Academy offers before and after-school care for working parents via our Tree House Club. The club is organised and run by school staff and is open to children from Nursery through to Year 6.


Tree House Breakfast Club


Breakfast club sessions run from 8.00 - 8:35am and cost £4.00 per day including breakfast.


Tree House After-school care


After school sessions run from 3:15pm to 5:00pm and cost £10.00 per day this includes a light tea.


Parents are required to complete a request form below (also available from the main office) if they wish to apply for before/after school care. If you wish to know more about our extended day provision please speak to Mrs Duncan in the school office.

Treehouse/Breakfast Club request form
