Week 1
This week's work booklet
A suggested timetable for this week's learning
^This time has been dedicated to responding to what your parents have put onto Tapestry and calling/video chatting with you for a catch up about how you are getting on.
A Special Invitation topic launch
Please take some time to watch the special topic launch video titled ‘Expedition’. In it your child is invited to use their imagination to go on an expedition using a special ticket from Dora the Dragon – found in their learning pack. They will be encouraged to choose a continent to visit and, on their visit, they will discover an egg! Over the next few weeks we will be learning about how different animals and plants change as they grow. This will help to inform the children’s decisions about what will be inside of their egg and how it might change and grow.
Independent writing – Write up your expedition adventures.
This activity will give me an idea about the children’s independent writing skills. In their week 1 booklet there are two pages for this session. The first contains some polaroid style photo frames where the children can help to form their ideas about their expedition by drawing pictures. Encourage them to take their time with this as this will help them with the next task. The second page invites them to complete a paragraph of writing by adding their own details about where they went, the shape of their egg and how their egg might have felt. Read the writing to them and encourage them to independently fill in the spaces by sounding out the words they wish to use.
Here is my example filled in:
My Eggs One day I was exploring in Antarctica ________________ when I discovered some eggs. The eggs are __sphere__________shaped and if I touched them I think they would be cold as ice and smooth like the glass of a window feels. |
Amazing Expeditions!

Time to create your egg!
Encourage your child to think of a way to create a model of the egg that they saw on their expedition. It will be great if they can bring their eggs into school when we open up again. Maybe you could show them how to papier mâché, or mix up some salt dough and add designs to it. Maybe you could screw up some paper like we did with the birds last term or they could paint a stone if it’s a similar shape. If you are not sure of how to do some of these things, and would like to have a go, then Google is a great place to start to find ‘how to’ videos.
Excellent Eggs!

Magic Maths 1
Number session 1: doubling
Doubling is what we do when we want to add together the same amount. So, two add on two can also be described as double two. Encourage your child to use the egg doubling sheets in their work packs to try to double the amount of eggs they see in the nest by drawing the same number of eggs again.
Maths Session 2
Shape, Space and Measures Session 1
Encourage your child to use the 2D shape sheet in your work pack to remind themselves of all of the 2D shapes that we have learned about. Now encourage them to try to spot these shapes around the house, in the garden and maybe on your next work around the area. Which shapes do they find the most of? Which shapes didn’t they find any of? Were there some shapes hiding inside others (like 2 triangles hiding inside of a square)
Maths Session 3
Number Session 2
Practice your doubling skills by completing pages 16 and 17 in your GCP Maths book.
Maths Session 4
Shape, Space and measures session 2
The mystery shape game. Encourage and support your child in making themselves a set of 2D shapes from paper. Choose one of the shapes to hide underneath a cloth/blanket and sit your child with their 2D shape sheet from their learning pack. Describe the shape you have hidden using its properties. E.g. the shape I have hidden has got 3 straight sides and 3 pointy corners. Then encourage your child to work out which shape it is you have hidden. Once they are feeling confident with this game they could start to ask questions to find out information e.g. how many pointy corners does it have?
Common 2D shape descriptions
Circle – 1 curved side and 0 pointy corners
Triangle – 3 straight sides and 3 pointy corners
Square – 4 straight sides that are all the same length and 4 pointy corners
Rectangle – 4 straight sides, 2 are longer and 2 are shorter, and 4 pointy corners.
Phonics Warm Up
To get the children thinking about Phonics we usually do a daily warm up which includes saying the sounds that we can see presented to us, singing the alphabet song and then reading and spelling at least 5 of the tricky words that we have learned so far. There is a warm up video on the video resource section of the website (found here: https://wyberton-primary-academy.primarysite.media/media/phonics-warm-up-video-sound-recall-summer-term) that runs through all of our sounds or you could encourage your child to use their sound mat. The tricky words that we have covered so far are: I, to, the, no, go, we, me, be, she, he, have, what, you, are, was and love. Perhaps you could write these onto paper and display them on the wall for your child to practice spelling and reading.
Phonics Session 1
After a warm up watch the video, found in the video resource section, introducing the sound ‘ar’ (like in card). These sessions are most effective if you do not tell your child what the new sound is going to be. This encourages them to discover it for themselves.
At the end of the video your child will be encouraged to use the roll and read mat included in their week 1 pack to practice their skills. They will also be encouraged to consider if this is how they would like to practice their skills or if they would like to use one of the other activities that they took part in last term – such as hang man or hide and seek.
Phonics Session 2
After a warm up watch the video, found in the video resource section, introducing the sound ‘ea’ (a short /e/ sound like in bread). These sessions are most effective if you do not tell your child what the new sound is going to be. This encourages them to discover it for themselves.
At the end of the video your child will be encouraged to use the roll and read mat included in their week 1 pack to practice their skills. They will also be encouraged to consider if this is how they would like to practice their skills or if they would like to use one of the other activities that they took part in last term – such as hang man or hide and seek.
Phonics Session 3
After a warm up watch the video, found in the video resource section, introducing your child to the new tricky word ‘one.’
After this perhaps you could have a game a tricky word hangman to practice using letter names to describe how these words are spelled.
Phonics Session 4
After a warm-up please help your child to log-into their SpellingShed account. I have set them two assignments this week – one for ‘ar’ and one for ‘ea’.
Phonics Session 5
How do chickens change as they grow?
In their week 1 booklets you will find 3 sheets of paper with this title on each. Encourage your child to read the information and look at the pictures on the first page. Then they can cut out the pictures and text and try to stick them into the right order on the second page. The third page encourages them to draw and write about how the chicks will continue to grow and change. If your child needs some help to understand what will happen maybe they could watch last terms video titled ‘what makes a bird a bird’ where I show the children my pet chickens.
PSED Story times:
Monday: Be Brave Little Tiger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKDbdAZO-F0
Tuesday: The Odd Egg. Find my recording of this story on the video resource section of the website. Before listening to the story have a look at the reading comprehension activity in your week 1 booklet. Share the questions with your child so that they can listen actively for the answers. After listening to the story ask them to complete the reading comprehension sheet. There is a second activity related to this story in the week one booklet. It invites the children to imagine they are one of the characters from the story and asks them to think of what they would say that was kind to duck – rather than unkind. You can write what your child suggests or invite them to use their phonics mat to support them as they try to write it themselves.
Wednesday: Join us live from the classroom for this week’s story time which is going to be interactive! The children will need some number cards from 1-5 and the world map from their learning pack. We are going to create another story together – what happens along the way will be decided by the children voting using their number cards.
Thursday: Tom’s Magnificent Machines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhlUJvj7sZw
Friday: Me and My Fear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THAIfa8EXgA
Quick captions
This is a daily opportunity for your child to exercise their writing skills without any rehearsal time. Please tell your children the caption they need to write and then encourage them to use their sound mat to help them to write it.
This week I again invite you to have a go at some yoga with the YouTube channel cosmic kids’ yoga. Have an explore of the website and choose your own yoga adventure today.
This week I would like to invite your children to make their own band, using one or two sticks and some different objects from around the house or garden that they can safely tap with their sticks. Encourage them to make a pattern with their tapping?
Questions to ask: How would you write down your pattern? Could you decide on a symbols for each object (e.g. circle for the saucepan, rectangle for the vase…). Support your children as they create a simple musical sentence on their workbook page. Maybe they could challenge their older siblings or you to try to follow using their instruments.