Maths this week is going to focus on money. In the Video Resource Centre, there will be a video for each day’s learning.
In each video, I will guide you through the learning for the day. You can then pause this and re-watch parts to support you. Below are the questions for each day. There is no need to print these documents, they can be read from the screen. Write the date, LO and your answers in your book.
Monday 25th Lesson 1
Lesson starter: In your KS2 Maths Year 4 10 minute weekly workouts complete Workout 5 on pages 10 and 11
Then mark your answers using the pages at the back of the book.
The video called 25/1 Maths Week Three will help guide you through today’s learning and go through the answers.
The questions for this lesson are below.
Tuesday 26th Lesson 1
Lesson starter: In your KS2 Maths Year 4 10 minute weekly workouts complete Workout 6 on pages 12 and 13
Then mark your answers using the pages at the back of the book.
The video called 26/1 Maths Week Three will help guide you through today’s learning and go through the answers.
The questions for this lesson are below.
Wednesday 27th Lesson 1
Lesson starter: In your KS2 Maths Year 4 10 minute weekly workouts complete Workout 6 on pages 12 and 13
Then mark your answers using the pages at the back of the book.
The video called 27/1 Maths Week Three will help guide you through today’s learning and go through the answers.
The questions for this lesson are below.
Thursday 28th Lesson 1
Lesson starter: In your KS2 Maths Year 4 10 minute weekly workouts complete Workout 7 on pages 14 and 15
Then mark your answers using the pages at the back of the book.
The video called 28/1 Maths Week Three will help guide you through today’s learning and go through the answers.
The questions for this lesson are below.
**** my answer to the question with Amir's problem is wrong in the video! Silly me! This is why you shouldn't record videos late at night on a Friday night! Well done to the Badger who spotted that I should have added £5 and not £50! Whoops :) ****
Friday 29th lesson 5 Arithmetic
Time yourself for 25 minutes and complete this week’s arithmetic test. See the questions below. Remember, you don’t need to print this page, you can write your answers in your book. Then mark your answers and send me your scores!