W/C 25.01.2021
Morning lessons |
11:30-12:00 |
Afternoon lessons |
2:00-3:00 |
Monday |
Maths lesson 1 |
English lesson 1 |
Reading comprehension |
Teacher conference During this time, I am available to respond to emails. Please send me your work of what you have been doing in the morning lessons. |
Spelling activity 1 |
Topic |
Teacher conference During this time, I am available for online bookings, responding to your emails, and making phone calls. |
Tuesday |
Maths lesson 2 |
English lesson 2 |
Reading for pleasure |
Spelling activity 2 |
Science |
Wednesday |
Maths Lesson 3 |
English lesson 3 |
Storytime with Mrs Davies on Microsoft Teams |
Spelling games on Spelling Shed |
R.E. |
Thursday |
Maths lesson 4 |
English lesson 4 |
Reading comprehension |
Spelling games on Spelling Shed |
P.E. |
Friday |
Maths arithmetic |
English Big Write |
Reading for pleasure |
Spelling test |
Creative learning-Music |
This week in Maths, we are continuing to learn about multiplying and division. Later in the week, we will be beginning to look at multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number.
There is a video in the Video Resource Centre introducing this week’s Maths and some lessons have additional videos that you will also find useful. As you send me your work, you may find additional videos in the Video Resource Centre to help with misunderstandings.
LO. To use arrays to multiply a two-digit number by one digit.
Please click on the link to find a video in the Video Resource Centre that will help with Maths lesson 1.
LO. To understand how to use the grid method to solve multiplication calculations.
Please click on the link to find a video in the Video Resource Centre that will help with Maths lesson 2.
**There is an extra video in the Video Resource Centre that explains how to make a number ten times bigger when using related calculations to support working out your multiplication calculations. You will find the video here.**
LO. To consolidate my understanding of using the grid method.
Please click on the link to find a video in the Video Resource Centre that will help with Maths lesson 3.
LO. To apply my learning in different contexts.
Please click on the link to find a video in the Video Resource Centre that will help with Maths lesson 4.
LO. To develop my arithmetic skills
Please complete page 9 in your CGP Mental work out book.
This week in English we are going to edit and publish our fable that we have written. Then we are going to start learning how to write a non-chronological.
See below for the lessons. On each document, you will find a grammar activity that you will need to complete in your CGP Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling book.
There is a video in the Video Resource Centre introducing this week’s English. As you send me your work, you may find additional videos in the Video Resource Centre to help with misunderstandings.
Monday 25th January 2021
LO. To edit and publish my writing
Follow the link below as Mrs Davies will guide you through today’s learning
We are editing the writing that you wrote over last week. Not your Big Write from Friday 😊
Tuesday 26th January 2021
LO. To understand the purpose of a non-chronological report.
Please click on the link to find a video in the Video Resource Centre that will help with English lesson 2.
Wednesday 27th January 2021
LO. To explore the features of a non-chronological report.
Please click on the link to find a video in the Video Resource Centre that will help with English lesson 3.
Thursday 28th January 2021
L.O. To understand what makes an effective introduction.
Please click on the link to find a video in the Video Resource Centre that will help with English lesson 4.
Friday 29th January 2021-Big Write
LO. To create a fact file about animals in the ocean
Click on the link to view the video for this week’s Big Write.
Reading Comprehension
Monday 25th January 2021
Please complete pages 18 and 19 in your CGP KS2 English comprehension targeted question book.
Thursday 28th January 2021
Look at the reading comprehension ‘Emma’s puppy problem.’
Read the text and then answer the questions on the same document.
Some extra challenges that we usually complete in our Whole Class Guided Reading sessions:
- Time yourself for 1 minute to see how many words you can read (let me know in our weekly catch-ups or send me a message to let me know your score)
- Identify any vocabulary that you are unsure of and use a dictionary to find the definition. You could create your own sentence using the word to stretch your thinking!
This week we are focussing on the spelling rule: Adding the suffix -ly
Adding ly to an adjective creates an adverb that describes HOW the verb in the sentence is being done. For example:
The fox jumped quickly – the adverb quickly describes how the fox jumped.
See below for the activities that are listed on the timetable above.
You will need to know your Spelling Shed log in details for some of the games. If you can’t quite remember your log in details, send me a message and I will be able to help you 😊
On Friday, watch the video labelled spelling test 29.01.2021 and you will be able to do your spelling test with Mrs Davies. You can click on the link below to access this week's spelling test.
LO. To recognise changes in the local and global environment linked to climate change.
In this lesson, we will be focusing on the importance of flowing fresh water and what happens when humans change the environment. We will explore the importance of freshwater with the wonderful David Attenborough and in the video, Mrs Davies will guide you through today’s tasks.
Click on this link to access today’s lesson. Mrs Davies will guide you through today’s lesson.
Tuesday 26th January 2021
LO. To understand the functions of the human skeleton.
In this lesson, we will be identifying the functions of the human skeleton.
Click on this link to access today’s lesson. Mrs Davies will guide you through today’s lesson.
In this lesson, we will be answering the question ‘How do Christians express their faith today?’ Click on the link below to access this lesson.
Please see the video of an Oti Mabuse Dance class. In this video, you will learn a dance to The Greatest Showman.
Then see the additional document for an additional lesson from Elite Sports Academy. This lesson is about gymnastic shapes.
Creative Learning-Music
LO. To explore 2 beats in a bar.
Explore the lesson below from the National Oak Academy. Perhaps you could send me a video of you having a go at this practical lesson. Click on lesson 3 to complete today's work.