w/b 7th February
Week beginning 7th February
We are learning about co-ordinates, and translating & reflecting shapes in the different quadrants. You can find four lessons below on the Oak National Academy, as well as some resources which we are using in school:
Lesson 1 - Describing co-ordinate positions on a grid
Lesson 2 - Translating simple shapes
Lesson 3 - Reflecting simple shapes
Lesson 4 - Solving co-ordinate problems
Resources being used in school:
In our English lessons this week, we are continuing and concluding our biography of Anne Frank. If you need more information about her life, please visit the following websites:
Click on the documents below to view our PowerPoint information, which will help you to write the last few paragraphs, as well as the conclusion. We will then spend a lesson editing our work and publishing it - yours could be typed and emailed to Miss Lineker or Mr Hawkins.
For your spelling this week, please have a look at the resources below, as well as the assignment on Spelling Shed.