Term 1 - How have toys changed overtime?
How to make a jam sandwich.
Makign a jam sandwich is easy just ask Year 1. We have spent the week exploring instruction texts, seeing what they all have in common and doing lots of oral reciting. We then got sticky and made our own jam sandwich.
How to make a jam sandwich

STEM project
What pull along toys already exist? Year 1 have been looking at what pull along toys already exist and evaluating them on what they look like, what they would change and if the toy looks appealing. We have then been using ICT to help us plan our own toys ready to make next week.
Hello yellow day!
Today we have been talking about mental health and how it is really important to keep our minds healthy but r emebering that it is okay not to be okay!
Using our imagination.
This week we have been creating a new character and then using adjectives to describe our new characters.
Reading is dreaming with your eyes closed.
Today we started our whole class guided reading. Everyone did amazing and it is fantastic to see everyone’s enthusiasm as they tackle tricky words.
A toy’s timeline.
Today we had lost of clues to figure out. We needed to find out what old toy the clue was describing and match it to the correct picture. We then used a 100 square to help us put the toys in order from oldest to newest.
15th September ~ old and new toys
Over the past few days we have been learning about our grandparents and Victorian toys. We have been beginning to compare these and look at what toys we still have around today from the past and how have they changed. We did a great job and sorting hat toys were old and which were new.
15th September ~ P.E
What a fantastic lesson today. We have been learning to throw and catch a ball, practise dribbling a ball between cones and intercept a ball safely.
14th September ~ phonics
Some fantastic sounding out and writing today. We have been recapping the ‘j’ sound and spelling CVC words. We went on a hunt for some words with the ‘j’ sound in them.
11th September ~ different feelings and emotions
Today we recapped different feelings and emotions and looks more closely about what makes us happy and how we can think about these things when we might be feeling sad, worried or scared. Some fantastic responses!
10th September ~ Representing numbers in different ways
Today in Owl class we learnt that numbers can be represented in different ways. It doesn’t always have to be just the numeral.
10th September ~ Handwriting
Today Miss Hinch was very proud with all the children in the Owl class and how hard they had tried with their handwriting.
7th September ~ sorting objects in a variety of ways
Today in our Maths lesson we looked at different ways that we can sort objects. We sorted our objects in to colour, size, shape and type. As a challenge we then looked to see if we can sort the same group of objects in more than one way.
4th September ~ The colour monster
Today we read the story the colour monster. We discussed different feelings and emotions and what might make us feel these emotions. We then painted our own version of the colour monster, choosing which emotion and which colour we wanted our colour monster to be.
A toy's Story
This topic is all about finding out about toys in the past and the present. We will get to talk about our favourite toys, learn about toys our parents and grandparents played with as well as learning about some toys from the Victorian era.
Our topic will have lots of cross curricular links including History, Science, D.T. English and PSHE. It is a fantastic topic and I cannot wait to share it with you.