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Wyberton Primary Academy

Week beginning 25th January

Hello Year 6! Thank you for your hard work last week - you are continuing to make me very proud. I have loved catching up with lots of you and seeing all of your great remote learning. If you would like another 1:1 catch up, you can do this by clicking here. Please also remember to join our story time on Wednesday at 11:30am.


Here is your suggested timetable for this week - if they are light blue, that means that you can click on them and it should take you to a video in the Video Resource Centre. Please make sure that you get fresh air each day, time away from screens and spend time with your family (board games are always good fun!). 




Morning lessons

11.30am -12pm

Afternoon lessons



Monday 25th

Maths 1


English 1

Reading for pleasure



From 2-3pm each day.
Mr Hawkins is available for phone calls, emails and Microsoft Bookings/Teams catch ups.


Tuesday 26th

Maths 2


English 2

Reading 1




Wednesday 27th  

Maths 3


English 3

TEAMS story time or Reading for pleasure




Thursday 28th

Maths 4


English 4

Reading 2




Friday 29th


Spelling test

Big Write 

Reading for pleasure



Mr Hawkins will be available from 11:30am-12pm every day, as well as 2-3pm, for phone calls, emails and Microsoft Bookings/Teams catch ups.



You can find this week’s Maths resources below. There is a video in the Video Resource Centre of Mr Hawkins talking through each lesson and activity. Please complete any work in your grey Maths book.

** There is a new video here in the Video Resource Centre to support with Maths 2 **

Arithmetic – there is a video in the Video Resource Centre to discuss some of this week’s trickier questions. Please complete the calculations in your grey Maths books, marking your work afterwards with the answers (which are on the last page).


In English, we are now exploring biographies. We will be exploring the life of Anne Frank, a famous young girl who lived during World War Two. The video for this week in the Video Resource Centre talks through each lesson and explains your activities – if you are unable to watch the video, please explore the English overview for this week and the resources.


** For Lesson 3, all dates should be in the 1900s (there was a random 1833 date, which should say 1933) **

Big Write

For your Big Write this week, you will be applying your learning of the Blitz from this week’s History learning. I would like you to write a newspaper report of a night of the bombing – please view the video in the Video Resource Centre for support, as well as the resource below which includes a checklist and also an example of how you can set out your work.


Reading for pleasure: read a book, e-book, magazine or comic of your choice.

Reading 1: p12-13 in your KS2 English Comprehension book. Answers are posted below.

Reading 2: p14-15 in your KS2 English Comprehension book. There is a video in the Video Resource Centre discussing this text. Answers are posted below.


Your SPaG this week is focusing on apostrophes. Before Christmas, we spent a lot of time exploring apostrophes for contractions (such as ‘don’t’) and apostrophes for possession (such as ‘it is Sarah’s dog’).


Please complete p52, p53, p54 and p55 of your KS2 English Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation book – one page should be completed each day. Make sure that you read the explanations at the top of each page. On Friday, please mark your work using the answers on p107-108.


This week’s spellings are based on words ending in -tial after a consonant. Look at this week’s activities – don’t forget to complete the assignment on Spelling Shed too. Who will make it to the top of the class this week?


If you want to, you can complete p76 and p77 of the CGP KS2 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book - this is a useful recap for last week's spellings as well as this week's. 


This week’s History lesson is focusing on the Blitz, which was a period of time during WW2 where London was bombed every night. Have a look through the information and then for your activities, as well as the video in the Video Resource Centre.

An example of History work


Our P.S.H.E lesson is continuing to explore discrimination. Have a look through the information resource below, which explains what your activities are – the texts are included separately so they are easier to read.  


Please complete the activities on the resource below - we will be doing this on two separate days to see how our fitness improves.

You could also take part in Joe Wicks’ daily exercise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhFmi_OaBG4


Mr Johnson from Elite Sports have also kindly sent some additional P.E which you could complete at home. The resource is below.


This week’s Art lesson is focusing on drawing the silhouette planes and bombs for your Blitz art work.  There is a video in the Video Resource CentreIf you need any resources/materials, please let Mr Hawkins know. 


Our Science lesson this week is exploring the heart. View the Video in the Video Resource centre for this week’s activity - the resource is below. You could also sketch/draw a heart, with labels, if you have time. This link has a video which you can access too: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwdr6yc/articles/ztg6gdm
