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Wyberton Primary Academy

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Wyberton Primary Academy

Term 3- Why is climate important?

This term we are learning about the climate, the biomes within our world and the features within each biome. Please look at the enquiry mat for the key vocabulary we will be using and the key information that you could discuss with your child.

Our term 3 newsletter is also here to give you more detail about what we are learning this term but also key information about parent events, PE days and what the children need through out the term.


This term we are learning dance skills based on the weather. Today the children moved like the rain to a beat of a drum. As the drum beats got quicker, the children were the rain that was getting heavier. Pupils created a sequence of 3 movements to represent a storm of wind, thunder, lightning and rain. 


Children begun to learn about call and response. They started using body percussion and then began to develop this through singing.


This term the children are learning about Christianity with a focus on God and Incarnation. The children developed their understanding of the Big Frieze and acted our the parts of the story that involved the trinity.


The children were practically dividing using sticks to explore the concept of remainders. 


This term the children are also learning how to play tennis. They have started with developing their skills of throwing and catching a tennis ball. The children had to work on their hand eye co-ordination in order to be successful. 

Design Technology

This term we have been learning about food choices that affect our environment. We have been learning savoury recipes that are vegetarian as they produce less pollution than meat recipes. The children used their knife skills to prepare the vegetables and combined ingredients to make the sauce. The children thoroughly enjoyed tasting it during the review. 


The children have been learning how to keep themselves safe. This included understanding risk and dangers and how to deal with situations of both. The children enjoyed acting out risky situations and how to manage it.
