WC 29.3.21
Hello Kingfishers and welcome back to remote learning for the last 3 days of the term. I would love to be in class with you right now but instead we have to be amazing stay at home superheroes again. We will do our learning from home but you are allowed to go for your daily exercise still and this is just as important.
I have planned many virtual meetings with the Kingfisher class this week and I will send email links to you all for them. There is also 10 minute bookings available for catching up with me or to share a book with me, which you know is my favourite thing to do.
Watch my welcome back video in the Video Resource Centre (see link below).
Monday | Maths 1 |
Back to remote learning with Miss Anstey 10:30am |
Reading 1 | English 1 | Spellings | Humanities 1 | Kingfisher Story Time 2:45pm | |
Tuesday | Get ready and go with Miss Anstey 9am | Maths 2 | Reading 2 | English 2 | Spellings | Kingfisher Story Time 11:30am | Art | |
Wednesday | Get ready and go with Miss Anstey 9am | Maths 3 | Reading 3 | English 3 | Spellings | Kingfisher Story Time 11:30am | Humanities 2 | Final farewell for the term with Miss Anstey 2:30pm |
Virtual meetings with Miss Anstey
I am not spending the last 3 days on my own after having so much fun back with you all in class. Therefore I have arranged a virtual assembly to start the day with you all, which will give us chance to make sure everyone is ok and a time to say hello to our friends. I have also organised daily story times with the class to continue to share our love of books. Finally I would like to end the week with a final class assembly so we can all say 'see you soon' before we go off to enjoy the holidays.
Here are the times for the virtual meetings and I will email out links for each one.
Monday 10:30am- Back to Remote Learning with Miss Anstey
Monday 2:45pm- Kingfisher Story Time
Tuesday 9am- Get ready and go with Miss Anstey
Tuesday 11:30am- Kingfisher Story Time
Wednesday 9am- Get ready and go with Miss Anstey
Wednesday 11:30am- Kingfisher Story Time
Wednesday 2:30pm- Final farewell for the Easter holidays with Miss Anstey
You also have the opportunity to book a 1 to 1 booking with me using the Bookings link below. I am available to read with you between 11:30- 12 on Monday and 11:00-11:30 on Tuesday and Wednesdays. Read a school book, read your own book or just chat about your favourite book with me. I am also available 2-3pm each day for 1 to 1 appointments so you can catch up with me about your time at home and go through any questions or queries about the work.
We have been learning all about multiplication and division over the last couple of weeks. I wanted to spend the last 3 days looking at the relationship between the two different signs.
Maths 1
We have looked at arrays for multiplication and division. Today I would like you to write the multiplication and division calculations to match the arrays on the sheet. Watch the video in the Video Resource Centre (link below) to recap on arrays.
Maths 2
Now we are going to do the opposite of yesterday and I would like you to draw arrays to match the multiplication and division calculations I have given you.
Maths 3
Complete the arithmetic quiz and try to use the strategies we have looked at to help you. I will pop on a video after to go through the answers and strategies with you.
Maths challenges
There are extra challenges for you to do if you would like. There is no need to do these but they are there if you would like.
For the last few weeks we have been enjoying the book 'Emma Jane's Aeroplane' and we only have the last part to read.
Reading 1
Read the end of the story from when the lightening strikes in the sky. The children are very familiar with the first part of the story but could recap it for you so parents can be included with the story.
Reading 2
Re-read the end of the book you read yesterday. Answer the questions on Reading Comprehension 1 sheet.
Reading 3
Re-read the end of the book you read yesterday. Answer the questions on Reading Comprehension 2 sheet.
Enjoying Emma Jane's Adventure
Exploring the ending of our story
Reading for Pleasure
Keep enjoying books whilst you are at home. Share pictures and videos with so I can join you in your book fun.
In English last week we were looking at instructions and how to write them. I modelled to the class how important it was to include bossy verbs to make sure it was clear as I made a jam sandwich. We also spoke about starting sentences with time joining words so readers understand the order the instructions need to be in.
English 1
At lunch time today, make your own lunch and write a set of instructions for how you made it. For example, a sandwich or a wrap. Use the English 1 sheet to remind you what to include.
English 2
Today I would like you to choose an animal based on our work of the polar regions e.g. a polar bear, a penguin or a whale. Make your own paper plate craft or cut out your own card from a cereal box to create one. Look at English 2 to see how others have been made. Think about each step by step as you make it.
English 3
Using the instructions guide and the power point, write a set of instructions telling me how you made your paper plate craft yesterday.
This week we are continuing to look at the g spelling that makes the j sound.
Spelling 1
The Kingfishers brought home their spelling sheets on Friday so today practise spelling these words. This can be done on separate paper if you have already completed your grid.
Spelling 2
Using the word bank on your spellings, write sentences including them to show you understand the meaning of the words.
Spelling 3
Complete the task on the sheet and unscramble all the words.
Humanities 1
In class last Thursday we started to think about all the learning we have completed based on explorers. We started to gather our thoughts about how this learning helps us to answer our enquiry question ' How do we become determined explorers?'
Last week we looked at the first 4 subject areas on the table. I would like you to continue this and think about the rest of our learning, what have we learnt about and how does it help us to answer our enquiry question.
Here are some examples that might help you.
For example, in Art we looked at winter landscapes and from that we know there is usually snow at the peaks of mountains. Therefore as a determined explorer I would need to have the right equipment to keep me safe and warm.
Another example, in Science we learnt about materials, their properties and their uses. Hopefully you can remember fleece is soft and insulating. Therefore as a determined explorer you would need a coat and hat made using fleece materials to keep warm.
As we are getting to the end of our explorer term, you have now become determined explorers. Put your sketching skills to practise and sketch yourself as an explorer. What will you need to include? Maybe a hat, a rucksack, boots?
Add a splash of colour to it using paint, crayons or whatever you have available to you. Don't forget to send me pictures of your work.
Humanities 2
Using your plan from Monday, write an answer to our enquiry question.
'How do you become a determined explorer?'
You could start it with the sentence starter ' I have become a determined explorer by learning...' or 'I know how to be a determined explorer as...'
Either write it down or record your answer and send me a video. I can't wait to see what you think is the reason you are now a determined explorer like me and Shackleton.
For those of you busy bees, there is an extra task for Humanities you can do if you would like. This is optional.
How to become an explorer!
Remember to take a bit of time for yourself. During calmer classrooms, Monday would be Meditation Monday, Tuesdays are Take a Breath Tuesday and Wednesdays are Wake your body up Wednesday.
Share activities with me that aren't learning based. What else are you enjoying?