Week commencing 16th November
Hello Badgers!
I am sad that you cannot be with us in school this week - you are very much missed! Please keep in contact via the 'contact Miss Lineker' section on our school website. You might be learning at home, but I am still here to help and support you with your learning!
Below is the timetable for this week's learning in school and the resources and activities we will be completing:
Morning lessons |
Afternoon lessons |
Road Safety Day activities | Spelling | Big Write | Reading |
Marking homework Times tables Grammar |
History |
Tuesday |
Maths | Spelling | English | Reading | Class business | Art |
Wednesday |
Maths | Spelling Shed | English | Reading |
Times tables Arithmetic |
Science |
Thursday |
Maths | Spelling Shed | English | Reading | PE | PSHE |
Friday |
Maths | Spelling Shed | English | Reading | PE |
Spelling Test Times Tables Reading for pleasure |
In Maths this week, we shall be continuing to learn the written method for subtraction including exchanging. You can learn this method here:
Maths Resources
In English, we are reading 'How to train your dragon' by Cressida Cowell. We are using this as inspiration to write our own stories. In our first lesson, we identified the tools used by the author in the prologue and wrote our own. We then created our own characters for our story and began learning to punctuate direct speech. Unfortunately, I cannot upload these resources due to copyright reasons. Perhaps you could complete the pages in your CGP books and maybe draw some Viking characters for your own story?
Or access the English lessons on the following website:
In Science, we shall be recognising conductors and insulators and using different materials within our electrical circuits to test whether they allow electricity to pass through them. You will need the electrical circuit components to be able to complete this lesson, but you could access this lesson instead https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-are-the-different-components-in-an-electrical-circuit-cdk34d
We are exploring artefacts this week to learn about the Vikings. Perhaps you could complete some research about the Vikings and create a poster to go on our display?
Get moving with one of Joe Wicks' videos! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhFmi_OaBG4
We will be learning how to play hockey in school, so you could watch some videos on Youtube of how to play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X95xGvmIuf4
In Art this week, we shall be using clay to create our Dragon Eyes for our calendars. Perhaps you could watch this video to learn about how to use different techniques with clay for when you create your eye back at school.