Week 5
This week our target birds are magpies and starlings.
Ask your child if they are in Mrs Millar's Letterland Group or Mrs Taylor's so that you can access the correct work.
This week Mrs Millar's group are learning about Noisy Nick and Munching Mike. Have a look on your Phonics Online account and encourage your child to learn about who these characters are and what sounds their letters make. Listen to their stories and explore their pictures looking for all of the items that have the initial sounds 'n' and 'm'. After learning the songs and chants you can access Phonics Reader 2 stories Is it Nip? and A map to practice reading.
Mrs Millar's group are also learning about blending sounds to read words, using the sounds s, a, t, p, i, n and m. Try making some sound cards by writing a sound on a small piece of paper or card. Repeat this for all of the sounds until you have a full set and then start with the word 'at' place these sound cards on a surface and encourage your child to try to blend them. In Letterland we use something called 'the roller coaster trick' which the children in school will be introduced to this week. If you would like to know what this is then please have a look at the roller coaster trick video on this web page: https://www.letterland.com/training/videos
Repeat this with words such as sat, pat, tap, tip, pit, nip, nap, mat, map
Use your decodable sentence books for lesson 7 and 8 and encourage your child to read the sentences and spot the target sounds.
Encourage your child to copy these sentences underneath making sure they are using neatly formed letters. If they are finding a letter challenging to form then find the Letterland character on Phonics Online and watch the handwriting song to support correcting their formation.
This week Mrs Taylor's group are learning about Jumping Jim and Vicky Violet. Have a look on your Phonics Online account and encourage your child to learn about who these characters are and what sounds their letters make. Listen to their stories and explore their pictures looking for all of the items that have the initial sounds 'j' and 'v'. After learning the songs and chants you can access Phonics Reader 6 stories Just jump and At the vet's to practice reading.
Use your decodable sentence books for lesson 26 and 27 and encourage your child to read the sentences and spot the target sounds.
Encourage your child to copy these sentences underneath making sure they are using neatly formed letters. If they are finding a letter challenging to form then find the Letterland character on Phonics Online and watch the handwriting song to support correcting their formation.
Magic Maths
This week we will be exploring the RSPB's website to find out about magpies and starlings. We will be using the weights and measures on here to compare the birds and find out which is the heaviest and lightest, the longest and shortest.
Try weighing out a bag of pasta that is the equivalent weight for each of these birds and encouraging your child to hold them both and decide which one needs more muscles to pick it up. You can also compare these weights to the other birds we have looked at so far.
Try measuring out some ribbon or string to the same length as the birds - compare them and decide which is the longest and shortest. Again you could compare these lengths to the other birds we have studied as well.
Our pattern work this week is continuing to secure our ability to spot errors in ABAB and ABC patterns. Try using some everyday household items to create a simple repeating pattern with your child but then ask them to close their eyes and change one thing about the pattern. Your child has to work out and correct the error. e.g. you could have fork, spoon, fork, spoon, fork, spoon, fork, spoon. When they close their eyes you could swap a fork and a spoon so that the pattern goes: fork, spoon, fork, spoon, spoon, fork, fork, spoon.
Please upload your child's at home learning onto Tapestry.
Understanding of the world and art
This week we will be exploring the RSPB's website to learn about magpies and starlings. After going on bird watching walks to try to spot them we will then be trying to look closely at their features in order to draw them. Our challenge this week is to try to use black paint whilst still showing the features of the bird.
Please upload your child's artwork to Tapestry.
One of our lovely parents highlighted to me that Joe Wicks has paired up with Hey Duggee! to create a series of workout challenges for children. They can be found here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBvIsxs4yYGusHvaTq9vhN0H
So if your child is feeling well enough to jump around then this might be a great option for them to take part in.
Remember to add a photo of this to Tapestry.