Term 2 - What can be learnt from the conflicts of World War One?
A great end to the term with our Christmas Party afternoon
It was time to put our special party clothes on, eat yummy snacks, compete in a fun quiz and play lots of games! Miss Gilliatt loved the four corners game and musical statues and Miss Lineker thoroughly enjoyed being quiz master! Some pictures from our games in the hall can be seen below.

Stunning Christmas cards and calendars inspired by Jacqueline Hurley
More Light investigations in Science
In Science this afternoon with Mrs Duncan, Deer Class explored how the size of a shadow changes when the light source is moved closer of further away. Great work Deer Class!

Welcome back to the Deer Industries
In this afternoon's dedicated Business and Enterprise session, each department carried out their jobs effectively. Here are the packaging team putting together the packaging for our tie-dye scrunchies and face masks and adding the labels to the packaging for our cake pops. These will be on sale soon!
Some complex problem solving in maths today!
An advent treat for our eldest and youngest pupils
In today's very special lighting up assembly, the eldest and youngest pupils of Wyberton were kindly given the softest and cutest reindeer teddy to take home and treasure.
Thank you Ms Paul for doing this every year for our children.
Investigating how light travels in straight lines in Science

Welcome to Deer Industries!
The children have been working very hard within their roles for our class business. We have carried out market research, designed our logo, which you can see above, and ordered materials to make our products. Watch this space!
Pudsey Bear came to visit us this week! A huge thank you and congratulations must go to the children for the money raised for the Children In Need charity.
Analysing historical sources to find out more about World War One
In English, we have been reading War Horse by Michael Morpurgo and analysing the use of punctuation within his writing and discussing its purpose.
The children are making great use of our enquiry board to support with retrieving learning already! In Week 2, we have been historians and researched significant events from WW1. We visited our school corridor timeline too to make connections!

In this week's Art session, we have been exploring using charcoal to create trees and shrubbery in the style of the artist. Look how amazing our work is!

During our Art sessions, we have been learning about the artist Jacqueline Hurley and analysing her piece titled 'Peace at Christmas.'
Here are some examples of our great sketchbooks:
Year 6 had a fantastic morning with the launch of our World War One enquiry, which is 'What can be learnt from the conflicts of World War One?'
We explored our artefact box to learn about the life of people during this time, posing some excellent historical questions too. Thank you to Boston Stump for loaning the resources - the children loved examining them and making inferences about what life was like for the young boy, William. Well done for being fantastic historians, Year 6!