Term 4- Where on Earth are we?
This term we are learning about geographical locations including lines of longitude and latitude and where we are in the world. Please look at the enquiry mat for the key vocabulary we will be using and the key information that you could discuss with your child.
Our term 4 newsletter is also here to give you more detail about what we are learning this term but also key information about parent events, PE days and what the children need through out the term.
This term the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning how to play the game of Rugby. They have practised throwing and catching the irregular shaped ball to create effective passes. They have also developed the understanding of opposition and defence through the tagging of players.
This term the children have been learning to create power points in order to share information. They have learnt how to create slides, text boxes, titles and images. The children adjusted font and size as well.
This term the children are learning about Andy Warhol and the medium of printing. The children explored a range of different prints to see what makes an effective print before designing and creating their own.
PSHE workshop
Today was an exciting day as we have a visitor in school to teach the children about the dangers of C02 in the home and how to stay safe. They children learnt this through drama and role playing different scenarios. They were very lucky to take home a parcel each including their own C02 monitors.
The children this term have been learning about locations in the world using lines of latitude and longitude. They have been able to find these in maps and apply these to different time zones around the world.
World Book Day
Today was a fantastic day full of reading. We read for pleasure in our favourite spaces, competed in the Masked Reader and enjoyed story time with other year groups and their parents.
This term the children have continued to have a specialist Music teacher and they have focused on performing in groups, using musical instruments to supporting their singing and developed their awareness of pitch and tone.