WC 14.12.20
Happy Monday to you all and thank you for joining me in our virtual Kingfisher classroom. This week our learning will be different but I am here for you all, just from my home.
Thank you for continuing to be Stay at Home Superheroes and I look forward to the online fun we will have this week.
Isolation update
Kingfishers who are isolating, in line with the new guidance you isolation period is now only 10 days. Therefore you are permitted to leave the house from Friday 18th December. Sadly not in time to return to class but it means you can have outdoor fun again during the holidays. Stay safe and I look forward to welcoming you all back to class in the new year.
Catch up with Miss Anstey
If you would like to see me, chat about what you've been up to, share some of your work or even to just read a book to me, book an appointment.
I am offering 10 minute appointments over the next few days so I can see you all before the holidays begin.
Follow the link, select your date and time and I will see you then.
Wednesday Meetings

Some of Thursday's meetings

Remote Learning
Over the next 4 days please complete the following pages in your homework books:
Maths mental work out- page 10 and 11
Handwriting- page 18 and 19
Phonics- page 27, 28 and 29
Over the next 4 days please complete the following pages in your remote learning books:
English Comprehension- page 10, 11, 15, 16 and 17
Maths targeted study- page 75 and 77. This follows on from our Statistics work in class. Please make sure you have finished page 71 and 73 from Friday’s work.
Maths 10 minute work out- There are 4 of these to do this week (one a day). Workout 9: page 18 and 9, work out 10: page 20 and 21, work out 11: page 22 and 23 and work out 12: page 24 and 25.
I would like to reflect on our termly enquiry question.
Over term 1 and 2, our question was ‘How do we recover from disasters?’
We have looked at ‘The Great Fire of London’ and how Londoners rebuilt the city. We have also read lots of Julia Donaldson classics and we have seen how there are problems in the stories and how the main characters get over them.
We are having to recover from a disaster by not being allowed in school and having to recover and find a new way to learn from home.
Your task is to write a story that includes a problem or disaster and how your character solves the problem. This could be you as the main character adapting to a new school life at home or it could be something else completely different.
There is a planning sheet you could use similar to the ones we use in big write lessons. You can draw the pictures of your planning and add key words to help you. Then this will help you get ready for the writing stage. Think about how you will publish it and I would love to see your stories and add them to our websites.
All of my Kingfishers are resilient and I know you will all be able to write amazing stories based on the focus of over coming disasters.
Maths shed and Spelling shed are both still open this week. Use both of them as a fun way to practise your maths and your spellings. I will check at the week to see who our top speller and top mathematician are!
Weekly winner
Well done for everyone's effort on Edshed this week. It has been a great resource during our home learning. It was very close but well done to William C. You are the speller and mathematician of the week! Double winner!
Story Time with Miss Anstey
There is no way I am finishing this term without reading with my class every day. We have been absolutely loving reading 'The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch' daily throughout December and I would like to carry on sharing this with you.
I will be reading it via Teams video link at 11:30am each day this week.
If you would like to join me, send me a message through the contact us section on our class page and I will send you the link via email address for you to use to join.

Christmas Advent Stories
Don't forget to visit the Video Resource Centre on the link below to watch the daily videos from staff at school. Normally we would switch off the lights in class, get comfy, watch the video and talk about our favourite parts. Hopefully you can get even comfier at home and share them with your families.
Christmas Dash continues...
There were 3 fantastic Kingfishers that joined in on Friday to be part of the Christmas Dash. There are still 4 days to join in so if you get active in any way over the next few days, take a picture and share it with me so I can add it to our website.
Football Challenge
We had started to practise for this challenge already in school but now is the time to record yourself and let me know your result.
The challenge is to repeat the football move in the video as many times as you can in 60 seconds. The move is to place the buttom of foot on the top of the ball and swap to the other foot. Then to place the side of your foot on the side of the ball and then swao to the other foot. Then repeat.
Watch the video below to understand it clearly. Have a practise, send me photos and videos and let me know how many you have done in a minute.
I would love to share these with Mrs Davies as well so the Kingfishers can still represent from home!
It's behind you!
It is the time of year where we all get together, have a laugh and watch a panto. This year it is a little different and we were going to stream an online interactive panto in our classrooms.
Due to us being at home, I would still like to share it with you.
If you want to watch it with me live please send me a message on the contact us section of our class page. Then I can send you a link via email for you to join me.
This will be Thursday 17th December at 1pm. This will be a lovely way for us all to get together and finish our last school day before the holidays.
Resources to use on the day of the Panto

Send me pictures
I would love to stay in touch all week and see all the fun learning you are doing. I would love to add pictures of your work to the daily stars so we can all share what we are doing.
This might be pictures from the CGP books you have finished or it might be other fun activities you have done that you can share with me.
Either send me pictures via email on the contact me section or tag me on twitter @miss_anstey_wyb