Week 3
This week our target birds are blue tits and great tits.
This week we are continuing our transition onto the Letterland scheme by introducing the children to more of the Letterland characters. We will be introducing the children to the characters t and l this week. Please help your child as they watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJay4vFhqJU&list=PLcUoA7uh8i6B8OiVuhKhNTMm34R39oIzj which should take you to a playlist of Letterland characters being introduced.
Please upload onto Tapestry any drawings of the Letterland characters that your child has done. Maybe they could also write, draw or cut out pictures to stick around the character that all have the character's sound at the beginning of their word.
This week we will be building on the children's excellent pattern knowledge by trying to create an ABCABC repeating pattern. We will be doing this using our fruit hangers - which the birds have been enjoying. Maybe at home you could try to make an ABC repeating pattern bird feeder as well. We will be using pear, apple and raisins.
You could use anything from around the house to practice pattern skills - such as forks, spoons and knives, different food items, Lego blocks etc.
We will also be continuing to build up our knowledge about garden birds by exploring and comparing the lengths of blue tits and great tits. Try using the RSPB's website to find out information about these birds for this activity.
In our art sessions this week the children are going to be continuing to build upon their already amazing progress with drawing and painting birds. We will be trying to draw and paint blue tits and great tits this week. Have a look for pictures of these on the internet and encourage your child to look closely at the shapes and colours as they try to draw the birds.
Understanding The World
This week take some time to explore the RSPB's website to find out about our focus birds with your child. Their brilliant A-Z bird identification pages can be found here https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/.
In school we are making 'graphic organisers' of bird facts to collect of new knowledge over the weeks. Maybe you could start one of these yourself.
Remember to take lots of time to just look for birds - this is great for you and your child's wellbeing as well as great for their learning.
Try to upload what you spot onto Tapestry so that the children at school can enjoy your experiences as well.
An example of a graphic organiser for blackbirds
One of our lovely parents highlighted to me that Joe Wicks has paired up with Hey Duggee! to create a series of workout challenges for children. They can be found here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBvIsxs4yYGusHvaTq9vhN0H
So if your child is feeling well enough to jump around then this might be a great option for them to take part in.
Remember to add a photo of this to Tapestry.