School & Enterprise Council
February 2023 Infinity Academies School Council update
We have been busy voting on a charity across Infinity Academies Trust that we can support. Our 9 schools have chosen an animal charity - check back soon when we have decided which one!
We have also been busy creating videos of our schools to share with the other school councils. We look forward to the other school councils seeing how wonderful our school is.
Our third project set by Mr Booth was to begin environmentally-friendly initiatives in school. Our School Council will be starting a litter picking club. This started this week (w/c 6th March) and it is already having a huge impact on our school.
16/11/22 School Council met with Mr Booth - CEO of Infinity Academies Trust
School Council were joined by Mr Booth today, the CEO of Infinity Academies Trust. This was a great opportunity to share our plans and projects so far, as well as how we are seeking to collaborate further with the other school councils from our Trust! #unity #collaboration
16/11/22 Meeting with Matt Warman MP
School Council were fascinated with Matt Warman MP and his interview today - the questions asked by our School Council were superb! Thank you to Matt Warman for spending time chatting to us as part of the UK Parliament Week. Best takeaways were that the children's voice is valued and that it can be heard louder through collaboration #democracy #ruleoflaw #respect
School Council Ambassadors of 2022
This year we saw a very exciting campaign week as the children completed application forms, performed speeches and voted for the children that they thought would represent their voice best. A great act of democracy!
Ideas for improving lunchtimes
School Council have been working with Miss Hinch and Mr Hawkins to improve the lunchtime experience in the hall even more. Firstly, Mr Hawkins led an assembly to the whole school to introduce some of the ideas about improving lunchtimes, then we gathered pupil voice. All classes added their ideas to this Padlet:
We then worked together as a School Council to identify the most popular ideas, before taking these back to our classes to vote on. We know it is important to keep on gathering the views of our classes through a democratic vote. Watch this space for updates of what we implement!
How can we help prevent climate change?
Throughout term 3 + 4, Wyberton Primary School Council will be looking out how we as a school can help prevent climate change.
We will be:
- Speaking to Mrs Ziller to find out how much we spend on electricity, paper and printing and if there is a way we can try reduce these costs.
- Introducing classroom monitors to check that lights and interactive boards are turned off when not in use. That recycling bins are being used in classroom and plastic is being recycled.
- Looking at raising money for a compost bin for old fruit and vegetable that can be used in our school Gardening club.
- Looking at working towards a green Blue Peter badge
and anything else we can do as a school to help prevent climate change.
Key Stage 1 Speeches

Key Stage 2 Speeches