We Will Rock You
The First Parent Event of the Year
Thank you so much to all of the Parents, Carers and Grandparents who came and spent the afternoon with Fox Class. We enjoyed sharing our learning all about the Stone Age. We explored cave paintings and even communicated what had happened so far in the day so far by using pictures. We also did some observational drawings of cave paintings and the children showed the parents how to add more details including different patterns.
What natural materials could you make paint with?
The children collected lots of berries, grass and mud to create paints with. We then added small amounts of water until the paint was the right consistency. This was a really messy job!
The children then used the paints with their home made paintbrushes.We learnt that it took a long time to make these paints and there was a limited amount of colours available to use.
What Does Permeable and Impermeable mean?
The Fox Class have been looking closely at different types of rocks to try and make a prediction about which rock would be the mots permeable (allows water through) or impermeable (does not allow water through).The children used magnifying glasses to explore the rocks before making a prediction.
In small groups, the children then set up an experiment station as they immersed the different rocks in 100ml of water. We are so excited to see if our prediction were correct!
A Trip to Flag Fen
We have had the most exciting day consolidating our learning at Flag Fen in Peterborough. We started the day making a visual timeline. We then looked at real artefacts found in the causeway, as well as experimental archaeology including log boats,round houses, tools and weapons. We even made our own clay pots, decorating them with natural materials.We experienced what it would have been like to be inside a roundhouse and the best thing about today...we were able to ask questions and lots of them!
Did You Know the Stone Age Was Split into Three Different Time Periods?
The Fox Class used their knowledge from previous lessons to workout if the images belong in the Paleolithic, Mesolithic or Neolithic period. They showed their understanding as they used their reasoning skills to place the images in the correct time period. The class room was buzzing with excitement as the children shared their knowledge.
What Did They Use as Paint in the Stone Age?
Fox Class went on a scavenger hunt for natural materials that could be used as paint. Look out for more photos when we use our homemade paint brushes to explore using the materials we collected today.
Greater Than, Less Than and Equal to.
The Fox Class have worked incredibly hard this term to understand Place Value of a three digit number. Today the children used greater than, less than and equal to cards when exploring a range of three digit numbers.
Cave Painting Sketches
Fox Class have created some beautiful cave painting sketches first using pencil. Then, after peer assessing each others work they created their final drawing using charcoal.
Each one was unique and different!
Have You Ever Hunted a Woolly Mammoth?
Today Fox Class used the shapes and different ways of travelling that we have been learning in PE to reenact hunting for a Woolly Mammoth. The children showed excellent team work as they worked in small groups.
Amazing Rocks
So far in Science this term, we have been exploring different types of rocks. First we looked at a range of man made and natural rocks using adjectives to describe them. Then we listened and learnt as song to the tune of 'Row, Row Your Boat' that would help us remember how the Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary rocks are formed. After we used Starburst sweets to show how the three types of rocks are formed in an exciting experiment!