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Wyberton Primary Academy

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Wyberton Primary Academy

T6 - What journey does a raindrop take?

Welcome to Term 6! 

This term, our enquiry question is 'What journey does a raindrop take?'.


Our key enquiry driver this term is our Geography learning. This term, we explore retrieve our science knowledge about the water cycle to help us delve deeper into rivers in the UK. We will explore the water cycle in more detail and use this to influence our English learning. Our key text this term will be 'Rhythm of the Rain' by Grahame Baker-Smith.

In RE, we will continue to explore Pilgrimages and how these are represented in different religions. This term, we will take a particular focus to Islam.


In French, our unit this term is based around the weather. We will build on the vocabulary we have already learned in Year 4 and use these to have French conversations. Bien! 

Our High Ropes Trip
