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Wyberton Primary Academy

How Will You be an Eco-Warrior?

This is a very exciting term where the children will be preparing their own exhibitions to persuade the community to join them on their eco-crusade! Each child will have the opportunity to showcase their own projects that have been driven by their interests and desire to support the sustainability of our amazing planet! 


In addition to this, the children have also started their samba lessons and within the first lesson made progress so we are very excited to see/hear what the upcoming weeks will bring!

We have had some great discussions in our first week back about the use of apostrophes, however we first needed to explore singular and plural nouns in order to use this type of punctuation correctly. Conversation was buzzing about some of the irregular nouns such as mice, deer and tooth! 
We have also been exploring concepts linked to multiplication and have been drawing on known facts to support us to calculate calculations we may not know. 
To launch our Eco-Warrior work, the children have planned their own investigation linked to an area of pollution. The children have been applying their fieldwork skills to sketch maps of the local area and devised a key in order to record their observations on our walk. While making our observations, we decided to help our environment by picking up some of the litter we came across. We were very shocked by the amount that is left in our local area and are worried about the impact this will have on nature and the world we live in. However, it has sparked a passion for change which we can apply to our learning this term. The children were very proud that they have stared to make a difference today just by doing this litter-pick! 
After our map and fieldwork lesson last week, it inspired some pupils to explore and draw their own maps at the weekend! Great to see learning continuing at home!


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Week 2 of samba saw the children learning how to respond to whistle and hand calls. We discovered that we really have to trust ourselves to play the instruments while maintaining eye contact with the maestro! 
The children are enjoying our new guided reading text: Greta and the Giants. We have been using the Summarise and Infer viper to consider how the forest is feeling and to illustrate what it would say if the forest could communicate. Mrs Hodgson was very pleased to see tier 3 vocabulary being used - including some from our knowledge organiser.


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Our circle time this week had a real focus on team work, seeing things from different perspectives and understanding not everyone needs the same support at the same time. These are really valuable attributes that we practised and need to apply in the classroom, on the playground and to life in general.
In our P.E. lessons, we have been exploring movements across a range of apparatus in addition to exploring embarking and disembarking techniques. We have challenged ourselves with moving, over, under and through. 
In order to understand how we can save electricity, we have been exploring what electricity is and where and how it is used. After a walk around the school, we noticed many appliances what waste electricity that could be turned off when not in use. This led our investigations onto using switches in circuits and the Honey Bee class explored on their own how a switch can be added into a circuit. We have also explored what a conductor is and tested our theories of which items would conduct electricity or not. 
We have continued to make progress with our music lessons, developing and adding to our warm up song and also learning a new groove! 


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We celebrated the end of our topic with our eco-warrior exhibition - inviting parents and members of the community to see our portfolio of work for the term. In addition to our information posters, we showcased our homework projects which demonstrated great creativity and problem solving!  