Week commencing 23rd November
In addition to the CGP books you have at home, here are some further links and information to support you learning at home.
In class, we are using the work of the artists you had in your pack last week to draw an animal you may find in the rainforest in a similar style. Complete some research of rainforest animals and then draw your animal. Bring this into school with you when you return!
Use this PowerPoint to learn about the layers of the rainforest. Present what you have found out in a format of your choice (your own PowerPoint, an information leaflet, an art poster, a 3D model).
Explore one lesson from the unit on Oak Academy: https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/eat-well-live-well-7109
Spelling lessons
If you wish to explore any other lessons, the Year 5 link to the Oak Academy website is here:
I have been told you are practicing some 11+ bits, this is a useful website. Click on the Verbal and Non-Verbal sections!