Week 4
This week's question is 'Who can help us to stay healthy?'
Ask your child if they are in Mrs Millar's Letterland Group or Mrs Taylor's so that you can access the correct work.
This week Mrs Millar's group are learning about the single sounds 'v' and 'w'. Have a look on your Phonics Online account and encourage your child to learn about Vicky Violet and Walter Walrus.
Listen to their stories and after learning the songs and chants you can access Phonics Reader 6 At the Vet's and Wet to practice reading.
Mrs Millar's group are also learning about blending sounds to read words, using the sounds s, a, t, p, i, n, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h. l, ss, ff, ll, j, v, w and m. Try making some sound cards by writing a sound on a small piece of paper or card. Repeat this for all of the sounds until you have a full set and then start with the word 'at' place these sound cards on a surface and encourage your child to try to blend them. In Letterland we use something called 'the roller coaster trick' which the children in school will be introduced to this week. If you would like to know what this is then please have a look at the roller coaster trick video on this web page: https://www.letterland.com/training/videos
Repeat this with words such as van, vans, vet, vest, wet, wag, will, well, web, wells, wig, win and wind.
Use your decodable sentence books for lessons 27 and 28 and encourage your child to read the sentences and spot the target sounds.
Encourage your child to copy these sentences underneath making sure they are using neatly formed letters. If they are finding a letter challenging to form then find the Letterland character on Phonics Online and watch the handwriting song to support correcting their formation.
This week Mrs Taylor's group are continuing with 'Section 3' of Letterland. This week we are going to be learning all about the Vowel Men Mr A, Mr E, Mr I, Mr O and Mr U. Encourage your child to access their Phonics Online account and listen to the stories and songs for these characters.
There are no new stories or decodable sentences this week. Please feel free to re-read some of the past readers and sentences.
Magic Maths
This week we will be starting in our new phase of the White Rose maths scheme - Phase 8 titled 'First Then Now'. The week's lessons have all been recorded so please encourage your child to watch them and then complete the follow up activities suggested:
Thursday: https://vimeo.com/540043268
Friday: https://vimeo.com/540041843
Please upload your child's at home learning onto Tapestry.
Understanding of the world and PSED
This week we will be learning about the role pf doctors, nurses, dentists etc. in helping to prevent illness and helping us when we are poorly. We will be learning about ambulances using the following video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UClBcKfQVIs Sadly we couldn't get a real ambulance to visit us.
We will also be learning a little bit about Florence Nightingale using this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frow559jWSE and comparing hospitals in Florence's time to modern ones.
We will also continue to explore the concept of 'fairness' - what this means and how it feels when a situation is fair or is not fair and what we can do about it. We will be helping the children to become feeling detectives - exploring what behaviour they are seeing in themselves or others and what that might mean they or others are feeling.
This term we are learning sports day skills ready for our upcoming sports day. This week we will be learning how to complete the long jump. For this age of children it is a standing 2 footed jump. If your child is feeling well enough they could try jumping as far as they can from a stationary start. Try finding videos of Olympic long jumpers so that your child understands what this sport is.
Remember to add a photo of this to Tapestry.
Art and music
We will be using the story 'Funny Bones' as a stimulus for our artwork this week. After exploring the book the children will be encouraged to use chalk to make a drawing of what they think their skeleton looks likes.
Remember to add a photo of this to Tapestry.