Autumn 1
Welcome to the Fox Class! We are so excited to be back after the summer holidays. We have lots of fun, engaging learning happening this Term.
Our Enquiry this term is driven by History and our question is 'How have survival skills changed through time?'. Our writing genre this term is narrative and in Maths we are learning following on from Year Two learning with place value, addition and subtraction.
History visit - 7.10.22
Year Three were lucky enough to have a visitor from Heritage Lincolnshire talk to us about our local history. We learnt lots about the history of Boston and we even got to play Boston top trumps!
This term, in English, we are learning about the features and grammar that is required for writing a narrative. By the end of the term we will have written our own narrative based on the book 'Stone Age Boy', written by Satoshi Kitamura. This book links to our enquiry in which we are learning about the Stone Age.
The driver for our enquiry this term is History. our Enquiry question is 'How have survival skills changed through time?' which we will be answering through exploring the prehistoric era, the Stone Age. Along the way we will be learning about how Stone Age people survived and how these survival skills changed through the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods.
In our first lesson we explored what life was like during the Stone Age as we learnt about the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods and created a timeline. We examined some artefacts from the Stone Age and identified which belonged to which period.
In Maths this term we are learning about place value up to 1,000 and addition and subtraction up to 1,000. This includes learning about the place value of hundreds, tens and ones, comparing and ordering numbers and using the column method to add and subtract.
Today we learnt about partitioning using part-whole models. We partitioned 3-digit numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. We enjoyed learning a new set of actions to help us remember how a part-whole model works.
Our Science topic this term is rocks, soils and fossils. Within this unit we will be learning about different types of rocks, permeability and durability of rocks, the formation of soils and how fossils are formed.
In our first lesson of the term we explored and investigated different types of rocks. Using our adjectives, we created a word bank describing what we could see. We found that all the rocks we looked at had lots of differences as well as similarities. We were also able to identify and categories rocks into whether they were man made or natural.
In Art this term we are further refining our sketching skills using different gradients of pencil and charcoal. Upon refining these skills, we will be creating our own cave paintings and inviting parents/carers in as we go back in time to create cave paintings using berries.
in P.E. we are learning how to play football and netball. We will be learning valuable skills needed to play these sports and more about sportsmanship within the games.