Week 2
This week's work booklet
A suggested timetable for this week.
^This time has been dedicated to responding to what your parents have put onto Tapestry and calling/video chatting with you for a catch up about how you are getting on.
Collaborative writing
This week’s sentence will be about germination – this is where a seed begins to grow a new plant. Our sentence will be:
Title ‘Germination’
Seeds need warmth, light and water to start to grow.
Encourage your child to watch the video, filmed in the classroom, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and then to try to write the sentence without an adult’s support on Friday afternoon. They can use their sounds mats and tricky word mats.
Science – Plant your seed.
Sunflower Growing Competition!
Encourage your child to have a close look at their sunflower seeds and the photograph of the sunflower in their week 2 booklet (on the art pages). How do they think their seed will change as it grows? What do they think they have to do to enable their seeds to grow?
Watch my video showing how to plant a sunflower seed. I am encouraging everyone to try to do a bit of recycling with this growing project so have a look at the ‘recycled planter’ suggestions in your week 2 booklet and see if you have something similar that you could use. You don’t need to go out and buy anything for this project if you don’t want to. A bit of soil from the garden is all that’s needed. If you would prefer for your child to complete this part of our topic at school then send their seeds back in with them on the 8th March and we will plant and grow them here.
I have organised a light hearted sunflower growing competition between not only the children in our class but also the staff and the reception classes across our academy chain. I have set up a webpage for the competition so that we can monitor the progress of all of the sunflowers and in July we will declare a class winner and an academy winner. If you are growing your sunflower at home then make sure you send weekly updates, via Tapestry, to me about how big your sunflower is in cm.
Story times – time to snuggle up with your adults or siblings to enjoy a story
Monday - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN1o6u7Zo9A Amelia Earhart: Little People, Big Dreams
Wednesday - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klG-xRHh5tA Poles Apart
Magic Maths 1
Number session 1: halving
Halving, when we are using numbers and amounts means to split or share the amount into 2 piles so that the same amount is in each group. Encourage your child to use objects to halve the number of sunflower seeds that they can see, then cross out half on the picture and write the number that is left.
Maths Session 2
Shape, Space and Measures Session 1
Encourage your child to use the 3D shape sheet in your work pack to remind themselves of all of the 3D shapes that we have learned about. Now encourage them to try to spot these shapes around the house, in the garden and maybe on your next work around the area. Which shapes do they find the most of? Which shapes didn’t they find any of?
Maths Session 3
Number Session 2
Practice your halving skills by completing pages 18 and 19 in your GCP Maths book.
Maths Session 4
Shape, Space and measures session 2
The mystery shape game. Encourage and support your child in making themselves a set of 2D shapes from paper and finding some objects from around the house that are the 3D shapes on their shape sheet (e.g. a can of beans is a cylinder, a ball is a sphere…). Choose one of the shapes to hide underneath a cloth/blanket and sit your child with their 2D and 3D shape sheet from their learning packs.
First encourage them to tell you if the shape under the blanket is a 2D or 3D – they will be able to tell this by the blanket being lifted by the shape or not. Then describe the shape you have hidden using its properties. E.g. the shape I have hidden has got 3 straight sides and 3 pointy corners. Then encourage your child to work out which shape it is you have hidden. Once they are feeling confident with this game they could start to ask questions to find out information e.g. how many pointy corners does it have?
Common 2D shape descriptions
Circle – 1 curved side and 0 pointy corners
Triangle – 3 straight sides and 3 pointy corners
Square – 4 straight sides that are all the same length and 4 pointy corners
Rectangle – 4 straight sides, 2 are longer and 2 are shorter, and 4 pointy corners.
Common 3D shape descriptions
Sphere – 1 curved face, 0 pointy corners
Cylinder – 1 curved face, 2 flat circular shaped faces, 2 curved edges
Cube – 6 flat square shaped faces, 12 straight edges all of which are the same length, 8 pointy corners
Cuboid - 6 flat rectangular shaped faces, 12 straight edges some are long and some are short, 8 pointy corners
Cone – 1 curved face, 1 circular shaped flat face, 1 pointy corner, 1 curved edge
Phonics Warm Up
To get the children thinking about Phonics we usually do a daily warm up which includes saying the sounds that we can see presented to us, singing the alphabet song and then reading and spelling at least 5 of the tricky words that we have learned so far. There is a warm up video on the video resource section of the website (found here: https://wyberton-primary-academy.primarysite.media/media/phonics-warm-up-video-sound-recall-summer-term) that runs through all of our sounds or you could encourage your child to use their sound mat. The tricky words that we have covered so far are: I, to, the, no, go, we, me, be, she, he, have, what, you, are, was and love. Perhaps you could write these onto paper and display them on the wall for your child to practice spelling and reading.
Phonics Session 1
After a warm up watch the video, found in the video resource section, introducing the sound ‘ur’ (like in card). These sessions are most effective if you do not tell your child what the new sound is going to be. This encourages them to discover it for themselves. The video is found here: https://wyberton-primary-academy.primarysite.media/media/phonics-ur-spring-term-week-12 and was filmed during the last lockdown.
At the end of the video your child will be encouraged to find out about some longer words that use the sound ‘ur’. I have also included a phoneme frame in their week 2 pack that they could use to make ‘ur’ words as well.
Phonics Session 2
After a warm up watch the video, found in the video resource section, introducing the sound ‘ir’ (like in card). These sessions are most effective if you do not tell your child what the new sound is going to be. This encourages them to discover it for themselves. The video is found here: https://wyberton-primary-academy.primarysite.media/media/phonics-ir-spring-term-week-12 and was filmed during the last lockdown.
At the end of the video your child will be encouraged to find out about some longer words that use the sound ‘ir’. I have also included a phoneme frame in their week 2 pack that they could use to make ‘ir’ words as well.
Phonics Session 3
After a warm up watch the video, found in the video resource section, introducing the sound eir’ (like in card). These sessions are most effective if you do not tell your child what the new sound is going to be. This encourages them to discover it for themselves. The video is found here: https://wyberton-primary-academy.primarysite.media/media/phonics-er-spring-term-week-12 and was filmed during the last lockdown.
At the end of the video your child will be encouraged to find out about some longer words that use the sound ‘er’. I have also included a phoneme frame in their week 2 pack that they could use to make ‘er’ words as well.
Phonics Session 4
After a warm-up please help your child to log-into their SpellingShed account. I have set them two assignments this week – one for ‘ir’ and one for ‘ur’.
Phonics Session 5
How do sunflowers change as they grow?
Start this session by watching this video found on YouTube Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-iPp6yn0hw showing a time lapse of a sunflower growing. Then, in your week 2 booklet, you will find 3 sheets dedicated to this task. Read the information together and look at the pictures. Encourage your child to cut out the pictures and stick them into the correct order on the second sheet. Then they can try to match the writing to the pictures. After this they can draw pictures and write words that show what will happen next to the growing sunflower.
Super Phoneme Frames
Quick captions
This is a daily opportunity for your child to exercise their writing skills without any rehearsal time. Please tell your children the caption they need to write and then encourage them to use their sound mat to help them to write it.
This week I again invite you to have a go at some yoga with the YouTube channel cosmic kids’ yoga. Have an explore of the website and choose your own yoga adventure today.
This week I would like to invite your children to again make their own band, using one or two sticks and some different objects from around the house or garden that they can safely tap with their sticks. Encourage them to make a pattern with their tapping?
Questions to ask: How would you write down your pattern? Could you decide on a symbol for each object (e.g. circle for the saucepan, rectangle for the vase…).
This week encourage your children to investigate changing the volume of their playing. Can they play quietly? Can they play loudly? How could they change the symbols they use in their musical sentences to show how loudly they want the instrument to be played?
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv8TANh8djI showing a short biography of Vincent Van Gogh. Encourage your child to look closely at his work about sunflowers.
After this encourage them to try to draw or paint a picture of a sunflower by looking closely at the photograph provided and trying to recreate the shapes and colours that they can see.
Beautiful Sunflower Art

World book day tube characters
Using a cardboard tube have a go at turning it into one of your favourite characters from a loved story. In school we are going to be turning our tubes into the Mr Men characters as the children currently love hearing these stories.
World Book day story time
Today we are going to be exploring what might happen if the Mr Men tried to plant a sunflower seed! Encourage your child to have a think about what the following list of Mr Men might do if they were invited to plant a sunflower seed and see if your predictions were correct.
Mr Strong
Mr Messy
Mr Tickle
Mr Greedy
Mr Sneeze
Mr Lazy
Mr Small
Mr Tall
Super Tube Characters