Term 4- How and why do things grow?
Spring 2 Newsletter
Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser - How and why do things grow?
Welcome to Spring 2. This term our enquiry question is: How and why do things grow? This question will build on knowledge children may have learnt previously in their nursery settings.
Children will learn that:
People, plants and animals all grow and change.
People, plants and animals all need food and water to grow and stay healthy.
All living things are important and have their own jobs to do e.g. bees make honey.
Seeds and bulbs grow into plants, flowers and trees.
Fruit and vegetables grow on plants and trees and in the ground.
The life cycles of various living things.
Week 1:
This week children were introduced to the enquiry question. Children were able to retrieve previous learning and were able to offer some ideas to answer this question. The children are very excited about their learning ahead. This week the children learnt about about the life cycle of a human, learning that we grow from babies, to toddlers, to children, to teenagers, to adults and then to the elderly. The children talked about ways that help us grow including how we can look after ourselves such as exercise, eating healthy food, having a good amount of sleep, and looking after our teeth. In Maths the children were comparing height. We created a class height chart and compared the heights of children and adults. The children then had great fun using cubes to measure each other and items around the classroom!

Week 2:
This week we learnt more about what helps them to grow, with a focus on healthy food and water, exercise, sleep and taking care of themselves. We learnt about how in the past people did not have as much healthy food and water, or comfy beds to sleep in.
We learnt about Florence Nightingale and how she cared for people in the past and how she helped transform hospitals to care for patients better, providing clean bedding and clean water. we compared the care soldiers got then to the care we receive at hospitals and doctors surgeries now.
Towards the end of the week, the children designed a healthy pizza and on Friday the children made their pizzas. After a demonstration from Miss Denton, the children were able to safely chop and prepare the ingredients needed and they then created their pizza. They were able to take this home to warm up in the oven and enjoy over the weekend.
Week 3:
This week we read the story of the hungry caterpillar. We began learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. We wrote about the life cycle of a butterfly. On Friday, our very own caterpillars arrived. We cannot wait to see what happens.

World Book Day
The children enjoyed coming to school in their pyjamas and getting cosey in the classroom with their favourite books.