Term 2
Travel Safety Day

Today the children spent the day learning about how to stay safe while travelling around Wyberton and in the school grounds.
The children discussed for keeping themselves safe at school by staying with parents and not playing on equipment before and after school. They discussed where safe places were to leave bikes and scooters and how to walk with them around school.
The Kingfishers also walked round to the front of school and observed Saundergate Lane. We discussed how to safely cross a road, where to stand and how to check it is safe.
We finished our curriculum day by learning about helmet safety. Lots of us use bikes and scooters so we learnt about how important it was to wear a helmet. Using a watermelon to represent our heads, we dropped it whilst wearing a helmet and we could see it was safe. Then I spoke to the children about what would happen if a car like the ones on Saundergate Lane was to knock us off our bikes whilst not wearing a helmet. The watermelon made a right mess and although the children initially found this funny, when discussing what it represents the children quickly realised the damage not wearing a helmet could cause.
Supporting Children in Need
As part of Children in Need, the Kingfishers took part in Five to Thrive. Throughout the week we looked at 5 different ways we could make sure children thrived.
- Take notice
- Get active
- Connect
- Be curious
- Give
This involved lots of mindfulness and taking time to focus on ourselves. The Kingfishers enjoyed meditation throughout the week and made an effort to show kindness to those around them.

The importance of Staing Healthy

Textiles art project

Hand washing as a way of keeping us healthy

Anstey's Bakery on Pudding Lane