Term 5 & 6 - Natural Disasters
We have launched our brand new enquiry this term: Natural Disasters - Can anything good come from a disaster? The Year 6 class have already shown great enthusiasm linked to this topic and they are very keen to develop their geographical understanding. Our enquiry mat can be found below:
Here is our wonderful display, ready to prompt us with vocabulary and to celebrate our hard work.
We have created some abstract volcano art, focusing on similar work to the artist Nick Rowland. Here are just a few of Year 6’s fantastic abstract work:
In Reading, we have been exploring the fantastic story by David Wiesner - ‘Hurricane’. We developed our prediction skills, as well as our deduction skills. Afterwards, we then made fantastic progress exploring how to develop three mark responses to questions.
Our English lessons have seen us exploring a brand new text type: survival guides! We analysed their features and considered why they were used for the different audiences. This then progressed into planning our own survival guides, researching different natural disasters and maintaining relevant features.
We applied our mathematics skills today in our Geography work, analysing a range of geographical data. We explored the impact of climate change too, considering how it is changing the world.
To support our Science learning from last term linking to adaptation and this term's Natural Disasters enquiry, we were lucky to have an online workshop from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The presenter spoke to us about climate change and the impact that this is having on polar bears and penguins, along with examining how these animals have adapted to live in their habitats.

In our Geography lessons, we have been making progress with our understanding of six-figure grid references. We explored the devastating Hurricane Katrina, before applying our grid reference learning to plot the route of the hurricane.
Year 6 have had a brilliant workshop from @EnvAgency and @BostonBarrierEA to aid our learning. Exploring the floods the local area faced and how to prevent them has been a great way to start our D.T this term - civil engineers here we come! Keep an eye out for our research and planning, followed by our prototypes. The Environment Agency have offered to give us feedback, which we are so excited to receive!
It was great being outside & enjoying nature this afternoon in our Science lesson. Not only did Year 6 learn how to identify different types of plants, but they were able to use observable features to create complex classification keys too.
Our Maths lessons have seen us revisiting how to use protractors to measure angles, before exploring more properties of angles. Have a look at some of our superb work below:
Our Science learning of Classification has continued to explore micro-organisms. We discussed helpful and harmful micro-organisms after learning what they were, before setting up our own micro-organism investigation. We were fantastic scientists, understanding how control variables were important in our investigation.
In English for Term 6, we are exploring the traditional fiction text of 'Tom's Midnight Garden'. We examined the front cover and blurb, before examining features of these text types.
We have synthesised all of our learning and responded to our enquiry question: Natural Disasters - Can anything good come from a disaster? Have a look at two examples below, but read our work in our books for even more!