Term 2 - How have survival skills changed through time?
This term we are continuing with our enquiry question ‘how have survival skills changed over time’. Last term the focus of this was on the Stone Age and how Stone Age people lived during this era. This term we are concerned with the Bronze and Iron Ages. By the end of the term we will be able to compare the lives of people living during these time periods to now.
Learning by subject
We are finishing our learning about rocks and soils and we will begin to learn about forces and magnets.
In English this term we are retelling the story ‘Stone Age Boy’ with a focus on character and setting descriptions. Towards the latter part of this term we move on to learn about poetry performance.
We are continuing our learning about addition and subtraction and we will begin our learning of multiplication.
This term in Art we have been learning how to print using a variety of materials to make patterns using three colours. We created our own string blocks in order to create a printed Christmas card, calendar and Christmas decoration.
How have survival skills changed through time?
We spent the day experiencing life as Stone Age people, exploring different aspects of their live and how they survived. We took part in lots of active learning with a caveman visitor named Og to retrieve and build upon all of our previous learning and knowledge to answer our enquiry question.
We investigated different soils from around school to understand that it is made from nutrients, organisms and other materials. We found lots of similarities and differences between them!
This term we have been learning how to play handball and create symmetry in gymnastics.
In handball, we have learnt how to shoulder pass and the importance of accuracy and movement to dodge defenders whilst in gymnastics we have been learning how to create symmetrical balances.
Year 3 have been using a thesaurus and our natural surroundings to gather adventurous vocabulary about a forest in order to write expanded noun phrases and a setting description.
This week in History we recalled our previous learning from Term 1. We remember lots about the Stone Age and there were lots of fantastic explanations to go along with the summarised mind map.
Today we used Dienes blocks as part of our practical learning focusing on subtracting whilst exchanging 100s.
We were able to show that we have a solid understanding of our learning from Term 1 by taking part in a quiz that required us to recall our knowledge previously obtained. The winning team named themselves ‘JJEEF’ and it was great to see such amazing sportsmanship being displayed by all teams!