Autumn Term 1
Stick Hedgehogs

Look at these amazing hedgehogs created by our little Hedgehogs! They spent a long time exploring natural forms - including the sticks they had found in the grounds, trying to decide how they would like to complete their hedgehogs. They all looked beautifully unique - just like the children!
Painting Explorations

A lot of curiosity is being shown in our outdoor mark making area at the moment. The children have spent lots of time exploring things like sticks, pinecones, carrots and even their hands in order to make their mark.
Mud Kitchen Creations

The mud kitchen has been very popular lately - especially because we have include real fruit and veg in there. The children have loved creating fruit salads and tomato soup - and even created a simple guttering sink to catch the over flowing water. What amazing creativity and problem solving!
Becoming an Author!

It's only the end of week 2 and the Hedgehogs have already worked as a team to write their own book! Its based on Not A Stick and includes everybody's ideas about what a stick could be imagined to be.
A Visit From A Tractor!
Farmer Louis, from our hot dinner provider, kindly brought his tractor in to show the children. They got to have a good look around and heard about how to stay safe around tractors and the sorts of jobs they do on the farm. They all got the chance to climb inside the tractor as well!
A Vintage Tractor Visit

To help the children to develop their understanding of past and present a lovely farmer called Bob brought his vintage tractor in to show the children. They loved exploring all of the levers and pedals- asking lots of brilliant questions. We then chatted about how this tractor was the same and different to the new one we saw last week.
Salty Spider webs

This week's topic about spiders has been hugely popular. The children have loved learning this new technique of using PVA glue and salt to create a web for their own salt dough spiders. These webs are being used to write our very own spider story!
Jobs For a Scarecrow
The children have been busy making their own scarecrows out of old socks and then trying to decide what jobs they could get up to after the harvest.
They investigated various jobs including swimmer, fireman, farmer, runner and pianist - trying to decide if their scarecrow had the skills, and the body parts!, to be able to do that job.
Great investigating Hedgehogs!

Look at our amazing pumpkins. These pumpkins were kindly donated by our Local Spar shop and then decorated by the children. They took them home ready for the own Halloween celebrations.
We spent a whole week learning about pumpkins. We discovered that a curved face allows them to roll, that they float, that they have seeds inside which will grow into a new pumpkin plant and that yellow and red can be mixed to make a pumpkin colour. Brilliant progress Hedgehogs!