Autumn 2
What Would Happen If Elmer Met Kandinsky?
8th November 2019
The children have loved exploring this week's question of 'what would happen if Elmer met Kandinsky?'. We spent all week learning about who Kandinsky was and who Elmer is. We looked at the Elmer sculpture trail around Newcastle to give some inspiration for our final artworks. The children spent an entire day dedicated to their paintings. They used all of the colour mixing skills that we have been developing to help them with their finished pieces.
Our wonderful artworks have been displayed in our own Elmer trail around the school for our whole school community to enjoy.
An Enchanted Forest Crime Scene!
15th November 2019
The children entered the classroom this week to find a crime scene! Our weekly question was 'where is the big bad wolf?' and the children immediately decided that the wolf had done something naughty in our classroom. We spent the week checking the evidence using our role- play police station and even had the help of a real police officer - PCSO Williams, on Wednesday morning who finger printed all of the children to make sure that they were not a wolf!
A lot of measuring was involved in checking our evidence - the children learned to measure using multilink to find out if the paw print, fur etc. could be the Big Bad Wolf's. We had some wonderful language developed from this scenario as well as some children doing their own research in wildlife magazines to discover where real wolves live!
I'm so impressed with your dedication and perseverance this week Hedgehogs. Wyberton will be a safe community with you around.
Wolf Portraits
12th November 2019
Because we feared that the Big Bad Wolf was behind the crime scene in our classroom the children decided that we needed a picture of him so that everybody knows what to look out for.
The children were given a plate to turn into a wolf. We spoke about the wolf's fur and how it has a texture as well as a colour. The children were challenged to try to create a furry texture on their wolf portraits as well as to use their colour mixing skills to create different greys.
Well done Hedgehogs these portraits are amazing and they look very furry.
The Annual Christmas Paper Chain Competition
Dec 2019
Every year, at Christmas time, Reception take part in a paper chain competition. They spent a frantic and fun 20 minutes working in teams to try to construct the longest paper chain. We then measured them and decided which group was the winner! This year we surpassed last year's longest chain by 2 meters!
Christmas Fayre Enterprise
Dec 2019
The Hedgehogs have been using their Enterprise skills in order to make flapjack to sell at the Christmas Fayre. They all had a go at measuring and mixing the ingredients in order to make our tasty treats.
At the fayre 2 Hedgehogs helped to sell our flapjack, as well as encouraging people to take a guess at where the Gingerbread Man has gone on holiday. We managed to raise £41! Well done Hedgehogs.
Meeting Santa!
December 2019
Its been a hectic term for the little Hedgehogs but a really fun one.
Our Christmas party was a fun way for us all to spend an afternoon. We had games and dancing competitions, food and drinks and to top it all off we had a visit from a very special person! The children all received a lovely present from Santa and had a really great time.