WC 1.3.21
Welcome to our final week of remote learning! You have worked so hard and this week we will be preparing for coming back into the class. I know it seems like such a long time since we have been together but I am looking forward to having you all back next Monday (8th). Keep sending me your work this week and I will be regularly updating our class page so you can see what everyone is getting up to.
The time table below is the live lessons I will be doing with the key worker children throughout the week. It is suggested you follow this as well and if you need any help with a particular task, get in touch and I can help you live in the lesson. If you are a part time key worker child, following this timetable at home will make sure you are prepared for when you are in class with me.
Don't forget to join me for story time live online on Wednesday at 11:30am and make a booking to update me with your progress with your work. I will also be offering bookings to give children the chance to read to me. Choose your school book or a book from home to share with me. The link for this is below.
Morning lessons | 9am | 10:10 | 10:30 | 11:30 | Afternoon lessons | |
Monday | Maths 1 | SPAG 1 |
English 1 |
Phonics 1 |
Humanities |
Tuesday | Maths 2 | Reading 1 | English 2 | Phonics 2 |
DT |
Wednesday | Maths 3 |
SPAG 2 |
English 3 |
Live story time with Miss Anstey |
PE |
Thursday World Book Day |
Watch 'Socks and Mittens go Exploring' | Reading 2 | WBD Story writing task | Phonics 3 |
Character tube craft activity |
Live story time with Miss Anstey 2:15pm |
Friday | Maths 4 | Spelling test | English 4 |
Celebration Assembly |
RE |
This term as we are looking at our RE, we won't have designated PSHE lessons. However, the mindfulness we practised last term is so important especially during lockdown times. These activities help us keep calm, relaxed and happy. They are great to practise when we are already feeling good so in moments of need, when we don't feel so good, we can use these strategies to help us. I would like you to continue to choose one of the activities to do that you know you enjoy and help you feel happy as a Stay at Home Superhero. This could be at any time of the week.
Activities you could do:
- colouring, drawing or painting
- crafting or junk modelling
- a form of exercise
- yoga where you focus on your breathing (Cosmic Kids link below)
- reading a book
- do a jigsaw
- play a board game as a family
Returning to School on the 8th March
If you have any questions or queries about coming back to school, please share away. I will do all I can to support you and your children to ensure you feel as prepared and safe as possible.
I promise it will be fun :)
Mrs Paul has a questionnaire for you to gather your views:
Here's the link to the form "Parent's return to school questionnaire ":
There are daily Maths warm up activities to recap on our arithmetic skills.
This week our focus in Maths is on measurement. This is new learning in year 2 but will build on from your Year 1 work on measurement. This is just to introduce it and we will work on this again in class.
This week you have the information pages 46 and 48 in your Maths targeted study book to help you with your work. Watch the Maths video where I introduce you to the vocabulary you will need to support this weeks learning.
Maths 1
Today we will focus on measuring, which means finding the length, weight or capacity of something. Read page 46 in your Maths targeted study book. This will show you the different ways we can measure. Then complete page 47 in your book.
Maths 2
Now we will look at comparing measurements. This means finding which one is greater than or less than another measurement. Read page 48 in your Maths targeted study book. This will recap on the vocabulary you need and remind you of the less than and greater than signs. Then complete page 49.
Maths 3
Today we are going to continue to compare measurements. Read page 48 again from your Maths targeted study book and complete the Maths 3 sheet. You can write your answers in your exercise book.
Maths 4
Please complete arithmetic test 2. There is an answer sheet attached, so only look at that when you are finished. You can then mark your test and let me know your score. If you are unsure of how to answer a question, please ask and I can go through it with you.
This week we are going to continue to plan and write our non-chronological report based on the polar regions that we have been learning about. Last week you wrote lovely introductions and paragraphs on the seasonal changes in the polar regions. This week will we look into the temperature and how that affects the area and the tundra in the North Polar region.
English 1
Read the text English 1 ‘Tundra in Bloom’ and think about the picture it creates in your mind as it describes the North polar region. As we have explored winter landscapes last term, I would like you to apply those skills and sketch and colour/paint your own winter landscape of the tundra. Use all the information from the text to add little details to you landscape including the Arctic poppies and the moss that surrounds the floor through Summer.
English 2
Read through the English 1 text ‘Tundra in Bloom’ again and familiarise yourself with your landscape from yesterday’s English. Today I would like you to write a paragraph about the Tundra in the North polar region using your landscape from yesterday to help you. It should start with a heading and then a paragraph, which should be around 5/6 sentences long. As well as using your landscape from the lesson before, you also have the information text to refer back to as well.
Remember when we are writing longer pieces of writing, it makes it easier to say one sentence out loud before writing it down and then working on the next. Don’t forget to include your capital letters and full stops. I would also like to add these to our display in class so please send me photos of your writing. I can then showcase these alongside your landscapes.
English 3
Read through the English 3 text ‘Frozen Features’ in the link below to find out all about the effect the temperature has on these areas. Use the planning sheet to help you record useful facts, you could include in your writing in the next lesson. Remember this is just planning so you don’t need to record them in full sentences.
English 4
Read through the English 3 text ‘Frozen Features’ in the link below and think about your planning from yesterday. Today I would like you to write a paragraph about the effect the temperature has in this area. Remember to use your planning sheet from yesterday to help you. It should start with a subheading like Frozen Wonders! Your paragraph should be around 5/6 sentences long. Make sure it is full of facts to interest the reader.
Remember when we are writing longer pieces of writing, it makes it easier to say one sentence out loud before writing it down and then working on the next. Don’t forget to include your capital letters and full stops.
This week we are going to continue to focus on ‘tense’ which describes if something has already happened, if it is happening right now or if it is going to happen in the future. When we are writing we should be able to write consistently within a tense without switching. If you can't remember this, re-watch the SPAG video from last week (SPAG 22.2.21) where I explain this a little further.
This week I would like you to work in your CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling books for SPAG.
SPAG 1- Complete page 5 'ing verbs' which focuses on things happening now or already happened by identifying the action.
SPAG 2 - Complete page 9 'staying in the same tense' to identify the difference between past and present.
This week we are focusing on a non-fiction text called 'Tundra in Bloom'.
You will find it on the link below and I recommend reading it daily to help build up your fluency and deepen your understanding. It would be good if this could be read with an adult and discuss some of the vocabulary in it.
Reading 1 and reading 2 both link to this text. You can find them both below.
Reading for Pleasure
It makes my week either listening to you read or seeing pictures of you enjoying books at home! Make sure you keep booking in with me or sending them over!
Great progressing in reading as the kingfishers have been practising so hard at home

Class Story Time- My Favourite Time of the Week!
Phonics and Spellings
Phonics this week has 3 tasks for you to do. They are all on the same sheet below but clearly labelled- task 1, task 2 and task 3. They focus on the 'wh' spelling with the silent 'h'.
The spelling sheet is also below so you can practise throughout the week- this can be done in your exercise book. The spelling test will be on Friday.
Fantastic blending!

Great blending practise

Well done for all your amazing research last week in working out why the memorial is there for The Pilgrim Fathers. Today watch the Humanities video where I share why The Pilgrim Fathers were trying to escape from Boston.
In the video I ask for your opinion- what do you think?
Is religious freedom important?
I would like you to write your response to that question sharing your ideas on whether religious freedom is important or not and the reasons why you think that.
Well done on all your amazing pom pom making last week. Now it is time to make the hats to attach the pom poms to.
Watch the DT video in the video resource centre where I will show you how to
- use the running stitch to sew the shorter ends of the fleece together to make a tube
- turn the edge up and to attach it in place
- gather the top of the hat and sew it closed
- attach the pom pom to the top of your hat
After watching the video hopefully you can follow the steps to complete the tasks above. If you are unsure about any of the steps, please ask for more information and I will help.
Now you should have a completed Kingfisher winter hat and I would love to see you wearing them all on the first day back. Don't panic though, if this isn't something you can complete at home, bring in all your resources on the first day back and we will do everything we can to help you complete your hat.
Absolutely amazing effort from my remote learning Kingfishers
Great effort sewing

We continue with our PE focus of hand based ball skills. Follow the plan below- you might need to take this PE outside into the garden or a local park.
If you don't have access to a ball or a space big enough and aren't able to join in with this PE, choose another activity that can keep you active and healthy. Below are links to online yoga and a Joe Wicks work out.
Whatever you choose let me know and send me pictures or videos of keeping active!
Plus you should be taking 1 form of daily exercise a day so you can get some fresh air- enjoy a family walk, or a bike ride too.
PE skills practise from home

Great practise at home

World Book Day
Thursday 4th March 2021
Socks and Mittens go Exploring
In the Video Resource Centre, there will be a video on World Book Day to watch by Charlotte Reynolds, the author of the children's book, 'Socks and Mittens go Exploring'. It is a lovely story by a local author all about adventure. Make yourselves comfortable, enjoy the story and then let me know your review of the story after.
- Did you like the story?
- What was your favourite part of the story?
- Who would you recommend this story to?
If you would like a copy of this book signed personally to you by Charlotte Reynolds, the author, please see the letter on our class page about World Book Day. There is a slip to fill in and return with the £4.99 in a sealed envelope.
Thoughts on the reading

More thoughts on the video

Another thought on the reading

Story Writing Task
After watching the video of Socks and Mittens go Exploring, I would like you to write about the next adventure they go on. Use the same characters of Socks and Mittens and use the picture below to help give you an idea about what they could be doing next.
Character Tube Craft
Now is the time we get creative. I would like you to use a tube like a kitchen roll tube or use card and tape to make your own. With your tube, I would like you to turn it into your favourite character from a book. Add all the details you know about your character from the description in the book or the illustrations. Please send me pictures of your amazing creations after. Below are some examples to show you what I mean.

This week in RE we are going to look at thankfulness within Christianity. I would like you to watch the video below of the story of Jesus and the leper.
After watching the video, talk to the adults that are with you about how being thankful is shown in the video. What happens to the people in the video- are some treated differently to others based on if they showed thankfulness or not? What can we learn from this about how we should act?
Write your response in your exercise book and share your ideas with me please.
Homework this week will be using our CGP books.
Please complete the following pages alongside the home learning by Friday 5th March.
Maths mental work out- page 19
Handwriting- page 27
Other activities
I love to see you work so hard with your school work but I also love seeing and hearing about the other exciting things you get up to at home. What are you getting up to in your last week of remote learning before coming back to school?
Just a reminder that school work might seem too much at times and you can choose to do something else- maybe spend time together as a family or play with your siblings. Remember that it is ok to take some time away from it all.