Term 6- Who are our local heroes?
Welcome back to term 6! We have such an exciting term ahead of us with lots of growing, harvesting and creating for our Boston market stall. As well as all of the amazing new things children will be learning about. We cannot wait to share it with you all!
This term our enquiry question is: Who are our local heroes? We will be learning all about the brilliant people in our local area and their impact on society.
Please see below our class newsletter and enquiry mat for this term. This will help you to see an overview of the children's learning this term.
This term in science, children have been investigating life cycles of different animals including humans. We have particularly focussed on the lifecycle of a butterfly, children observed caterpillars which turned into chrysalises and then into butterflies. The children then got to release these into the gardens.
Trip to Clumber Park
As part of our sports curriculum, we went on a trip to the wonderful Clumber Park where we hiked around part of the lake looking at the incredible plants, habitats and animals that get to call it their home.
We then payed a visit to the walled garden where the children got to see the allotments and immense amount of rhubarb grown.
Sports Day
WOW! What an amazing day with some amazing sportsmanship shown today at sports day. The children had an amazing time and loved every minute!
Congratulations to the YELLOW team!
This term, the class has been looking at position and direction. In this lesson, children focussed on turns and instructing each other to complete a half, quarter or full turn clockwise or anti-clockwise.

This term, the Kingfishers have been data collectors, they have planned and carried out a bug hunt. They looked across the school for a range of bugs and drew on their knowledge of tally charts to tally the amount they have seen.

This term has been a very busy term for DT this term. Children have been trying their own jams and chutneys, and deciding which flavours were best. The children evaluated the differences between the two.
Then children practiced their cutting skills before cutting up the fruits to make jams and chutneys. Children were thinking about safety aspects and the size of cutting the fruits up, measuring the ingredients accurately and how to follow our instructions.
We then sold our jams and chutneys at Boston Market.
Finally, Children tested their jams and chutneys with their parents and got feedback about what was good and what needed to be improved.
Travelling Tuba Visit
Today we had a visit from the Travelling Tuba, we learnt all about instruments from across the world and where they first came from. Children were even able to have a go and test the instruments out for themselves.
Safety Day
Today children were learning all about road, sun and water safety. Children identified ways to keep themselves and others safe in a variety of scenarios.